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He came out of his instant of abstraction with a start, while Jones went on with respectful volubility. 'Beggin' pardon, sir, Peters says as 'ow 'e were all struck of a heap, sir, at 'earin' the young 'un call out in English, sir, an' bein' so light complected fer a native, sir, an' even lighter in that light, Peters didn't rightly know wot 'e might be firin' at, sir.

'I don't know whether a man as doesn't 'old with these kind o' theories 'll be allowed a fair 'earin Indignant interruption. Cries of 'Of course he will! 'Who ever refused to hear you? and the like. He is that singular phenomenon, that self-contradiction, that expression insoluble into factors of common-sense the Conservative working man. What do they want to be at? he demands.

"You're such a quaint little body, you're a regular treat. I declare I ain't 'alf sure I wouldn't rather talk to you, than read the Princess Novelettes. Besides, I do get that tired of 'earin' nothin' but French, I'm most sorry I undertook the job; and the Biby don't pick up English much yet."

"Aye, I'm sorry," she said sullenly. "But he shouldn't fly out at yer without 'earin' a word. 'Ow should I know anythin' about his money? 'Ee locked it up hisself, an' tuk the keys." "An' them suverins," roared John, rattling his stick on the floor; "where did yer get them suverins?" "I got 'em from old Sophy Clarke leastways, from Sophy Clarke's lawyer. And it ain't no business o' yourn."

'E thought I never read the papers, so 'e kindly lent me his very own Jerrold's Weekly an' 'e explained it to me as patronisin' as a as a militia subaltern doin' Railway Staff Officer. 'E's a left-over from Majuba one of the worst kind, an' 'earin' the evidence as I did, I don't exactly blame 'im. It was this way."

'But he shouldn't fly out at yer without 'earin a word. 'Ow should I know anythin about his money? 'Be locked it up hisself, an tuk the keys. 'An them suverins, roared John, rattling his stick on the floor; 'where did yer get them suverins? 'I got 'em from old Sophy Clarke leastways, from Sophy Clarke's lawyer. And it ain't no business o' yourn.

All the village is on its knees this marnin' I reckon, whether it's workin' in fields or gardens, or barns or orchards, an' if the Lord A'mighty don't take no notice of us, He must be powerful 'ard of 'earin'!" Adam Frost coughed warningly, jerked his thumb in the direction of the church, and was silent. Suddenly a lark sang.

Forsyth says best not trouble 'im, so there I am all at sea without a life- belt, which Spruce bein' 'arder of 'earin' than ever, don't understand nohow nor never will.

Hobbs shook his head, and gazed at Elkin as though the latter was a refractory bullock. "Siddle's a fair-minded chap," he said. "He can't stand 'earin' any of us 'angin' a man without a fair trial." Ingerman had marked the chemist for more subtle treatment when an opportunity arose, or could be made. At present, he was not sorry such a restraining influence was removed.

Waffles intently, and dropping four half-crowns as he spoke. 'I'm tellin' you nothin' but the truth, observed Mr. Buckram, after a pause, adding, 'in course it's nothin' to me, only bein' down here on a visit to a friend, and 'earin' that the oss were 'ere, I made bold to look in to see whether it was 'im or no.