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This story, told in old Sam's peculiar way, had the desired effect, and the tears which refused to start even at the sight of 'Lina dead, flowed freely for the little ones over whom Rachel wept, refusing to be comforted. "I can cry dreffully now, Miss Alice, I'se sorry, Miss 'Lina is dead, very sorry. She never can come back any more, can she?"

"Wal, they got it all planned out. They was to wait till the full moon, and then they was to get Primus King to go with 'em and help do the diggin'. Ye see, Hokum and Toddy Whitney and Wiggin are all putty softly fellers, and hate dreffully to work; and I tell you the Kidd money ain't to be got without a pretty tough piece o' diggin. Why, it's jest like diggin' a well to get at it.

Wilmot finally mounted the horse and the ludicrous face of Jim Crow as he sprang up behind him, they were, as they afterward told Aunt Esther, "dreffully tickled and would have larfed, sartin, if they hadn’t knowed marster would have slapped their jaws." "And sarved you right," was the rejoinder of Aunt Esther. But to return to Mr. Edson. As soon as Mr.

Finding that none of the family were at home, I was turning to leave when Aunt Esther begged me to come in, saying she reckoned they would soon be back, as they had already been several hours absent, adding, good soul, that "they'd all be dreffully disapinted not to see me." I knew that several months prior to this, Mr.

"Bless my soul!" exclaimed the man, staring. "What, another?" "The bird-seller up the road had no change about him. And and, if you please," went on Dick hardily, with a glance at the girl, "she hurt her hands putting out a fire just now. I expect my father gave her the money for that. But she must have burnt her hands dreffully!"

"Yes, sir; she said the prongs of the chair stuck into her side." "It hurt me dreffully," said Prudy, who had until now forgotten all about it. "Susy spoke so quick, and said I was a little snail; and then I rolled over and over, and down I went."

Are all those books yours and the funny little table with the crooked legs? Who is the man in a wig?" cried Cecil. "Mightn't we stay with you? we would be so quiet? Mother says we are dreffully troublesome since you went away. We could both sleep with you in that great big bed! The cross old gentleman would never know. It would be such fun! Do, do, let us stay, auntie!"

It thus remarked with much excitement: "I was losted, I was, papa, behind a big tree, an' I was a kyin' dreffully when the lady finded me, I was." "Lost? Good gracious!" cried Mrs. Raymond, snatching the child in a hurry, and forgetting all introductions. "Why, I told the girls not to lose sight of you, Pansy."

"No, no!" screamed Prudy, "I'm up in the Pines, I ain't here." "Perhaps you'd like to have me sing to you," said aunt Madge; and she began, in a low voice, a little ditty Prudy loved: "There was a little darling I used to know, And they called her Prudy, Long time ago." "Stop, Nancy," said Prudy, "you put a toad in my mouth! I must have a drink dreffully!"

"Take a squint through my glass. I'm dreffully afeard it's a gal; but suthin's got into my eye, so I can't see." Suthin' had got into the old fellow's eye, suthin' saline and acrid, namely, a tear. "It's a woman," says Wheelwright, and suthin' of the same kind blinded him also. Almost sunset now. But the air was suddenly filled with perplexing snow-dust from a heavy squall.