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Even the actors were familiar friends the pink-faced judge with his snow-white whiskers, who at times suggested to Bently an octogenarian angel, and, at others, a certain ancient baboon once observed in the Primates cage at the Bronz Zoo; the harried, anxious little clerk with his paradoxically grandiloquent intonation; the comedy assistant district attorney with his wheezy voice emanating from a Falstaffian body, who suffered from a soporific malady and was accustomed to open a case and then let it take care of itself while he slumbered audibly beneath the dais; even Ephraim Tutt, the gaunt, benignly whimsical-looking attorney, in his rusty-black frock coat and loose-hanging tie; his rotund partner, whose birdlike briskness and fat paunch inevitably brought to mind a distended robin in specs; and the dégagé Bonnie Doon in his cut-in-at-the-waist checked suit he knew them all of old.

A letter from Miss Calverley written in a very degage style of spelling and handwriting, scrawling freely over the filagree paper, and commencing by calling Mr.

It's an awfully nice blouse, but as you have it on at present it's rather rather well dégagé." "I started in such a hurry," said Mrs. Gregg. "The moment I heard " "If you go into the hotel," said Dr. O'Grady, "you'll find a looking-glass. You'll be able to inspect the bouquet too. It's in a jug of water under the counter in You take her, Father McCormack, and find the bouquet for her."

The words choked Philip, but he was determined not to shirk the truth. He kept his eyes on Lawson and saw his embarrassment. Philip smiled savagely. "If you went into Lynn and Sedley, and made your way into the 'made robes' department, you would see me in a frock coat, walking about with a degage air and directing ladies who want to buy petticoats or stockings.

This night Mr. Gibson watched their countenances furtively from under his long eye-lashes, while he tried against his wont to keep up a degage manner, and a brisk conversation on general subjects. He saw that Mr. Wynne was on the point of breaking out into laughter, and that red- haired, red-faced Mr.

'I say, answered Mrs Merdle composedly, 'that you ought to make yourself fit for it by being more degage, and less preoccupied. There is a positive vulgarity in carrying your business affairs about with you as you do. 'How do I carry them about, Mrs Merdle? asked Mr Merdle. 'How do you carry them about? said Mrs Merdle. 'Look at yourself in the glass.

Three sober-looking citizens, who had just sat themselves down to pipes and the journal, started to their feet like so many pieces of clockwork; but no sooner had Don Saltero, with a /degage/ air of graceful melancholy, actually launched into what he was pleased to term a tune, than a universal irritation of nerves seized the whole company.

"Among the gay young fellows who were at this season at Bath, Mr Fitzpatrick was one. He was handsome, degage, extremely gallant, and in his dress exceeded most others.

When they met a little later in Lady Cantourne's uncompromisingly solid and old-fashioned drawing-room, one may be certain that nothing was lost. "My aunt tells me," began Millicent at once, with that degage treatment of certain topics hitherto held sacred which obtains among young folks to-day, "that you know Loango." "Oh yes I live there." "And you know Mr. Meredith?" "Yes, and Mr. Oscard also."

C'est donc sur terre et sur mer un important renfort. J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre ci-dessous mes idées sur son emploi. Jetons d'abord un coup d'oeil sur la situation. Il s'en dégage, ce me semble, deux faits.