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Leaving behind the old-fashioned horseshoe crabs to feel their way slowly over the bottom of the sea, the spiders have won for themselves on land a place high above the mites, ticks, and daddy-long-legs, and in their high development and intricate powers of resource they yield not even to the ants and bees.

One minute he'd say, 'Mother, there's a moth flying round the candle and it'll be burnt, and then, 'There was a fly going into the spider's web in the corner, and he'd have to save it, and after that, 'There's a daddy-long-legs hurting himself on the window-pane, and he'd have to let it out; but when I try to kiss him he pushes me away.

"I don't know," replied Mrs. Grayson in a frankly puzzled tone. "They must be angels unaware, that's all I can say." "Tramp, tramp, tramp, the bugs are marching, Up and down the tents they go, Some are brown and some are black, But of each there is no lack, And the Daddy-long-legs they go marching too!" So sang Sahwah as she tidied up her tent after Morning Sing.

"You'd better take some music with you," said his mother, turning to her eldest daughter; "Mr Tankardew has got his new piano on purpose, I suppose." "Ay, do," cried Mark; "take something lively, and you'll fetch out the old spiders and daddy-long-legs which have been sent into the corners like naughty boys, and they'll come out by millions and dance for us."

Suddenly they came to the window, where a brown speck was dancing up and down, and then Olly's face brightened, and he began in a great hurry: "Once upon a time there was a daddy-long-legs " "Well," said Milly, when they had waited a little while, and nothing more came. "I don't know any more," said Olly. "Oh, that is silly," said Milly, "why, that isn't a story at all.

"You have great fancies," said the daddy-long-legs. "Supposing every animal were to wish he could do something that nature had not fitted him to do, the world would be all topsy-turvy. Supposing a robin redbreast thought he had to have a sting a sting above everything else or a goat wanted to fly about gathering honey. Supposing a frog were to come along and languish for my kind of legs."

So overhead, where the ceiling sagged from the walls, and in dusty chinks about doors and windows that no broom ever harried, a family of spiders, some mice, a daddy-long-legs, two crickets, and a bluebottle fly, besides the hornet, found snug quarters in their season, and a welcome.

He is absolutely ignorant of our soul-life and hasn't the least consideration for our feelings. You'll see." "Don't you think well of human beings?" asked Maya. "Oh, yes, yes. But the loss of a leg" the daddy-long-legs looked down slantwise "is apt to embitter one, rather." "I see," said Maya.

James's Street sitting-room, and he took up about as much of its space as a daddy-long-legs under a tumbler and suddenly halted in front of me. "Do you know why?" I made a polite gesture of enquiring ignorance. "Because it's a damn sight too sacred." I bowed. I understood. "I can find it in my heart to owe many things to Lady Auriol," he continued. "She's a great woman.

Am I to sleep in your room?" "Yes." "How scrumptious. Look out for a fine waking early in the morning." Nan hugged Hester in her usual rough-and-ready manner, and danced upstairs, singing as she went "Old Daddy-long-legs wouldn't say his prayers, Catch him by his left leg and throw him downstairs." This was one of Nan's rhymes which Sir John detested. Her voice was loud and somewhat piercing.