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M-m-must know all about the m-m-matter, all the resources and the debts, if you d-d-don't want to be r-r-ruined. Hein? isn't it so?" "Certainly," said the president. "I'm of opinion that in a few months the debts might be bought up for a certain sum, and then paid in full by an agreement. Ha! ha! you can coax a dog a long way if you show him a bit of lard.

He stuttered a little bit, and once when he was with a group of friends he spoke very harshly of some man who was not present. One of his friends said: "Why, Charles, I didn't know that you knew so and so." "O-o-oh," he said, "I-I d-d-don't; I-I can't h-h-h hate a m-m-man I-I know." There is a great deal of human nature, of very pleasant human nature, in the saying.

"D-d-don't mention it, Max, p-p-please," said Toby, with a gloomy shake of his head; "because while my f-f-folks might be out of d-d-danger from a regular f-f-flood, if a monster wave of water came a s-s-sweepin' along down here, it'd sure ketch us, and make our p-p-place look like a howling wilderness."

"I d-d-don't think I'd he'd " "And I'd say to him: 'Julien, will you marry me? Like that." "Oh!" said Bobbie in outraged amazement. "And maybe " continued the Bonnie Lassie judicially: "maybe I'd kiss him. Yes. I think I would." Suddenly all the bright softness of Bobbie's large eyes dissolved in tears. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself," she sobbed.

As she sat, the light glinting upon her glasses, her chin well upheld, her whole attitude austere and commanding, Sam felt his courage sink lower and lower, until he became abject and abased. Fascinated none the less, he gazed, until Curly poked him sharply and remarked: "Which 'un you goin' to make a break fer, Sam?" "I I d-d-don't know," said Sam, startled and disturbed.

This look changed his purpose, and he paused. "Listen to me now," continued the doctor, observing his irresolution. "You think you know what life is; but you d-d-don't! Do you know what g-g-great cities are? Do you know what it is to m-m-mix with crowds of men, to feel and perhaps to sway their p-p-passions? Do you know what it is to p-p-possess and to spend that money which you d-d-despise?

"I I do adore you!" she exclaimed impulsively. "Of course, you d-d-don't mean that," he stammered, striving to smile. "Yes almost. Tell me, you I know you are not like other men! You never have had anything to do with a Destyn-Carr machine, have you?" "Never!" "Neither have I.... And so you are not in love are you?" "No."

Get ready to give a volley!" cried Nuthin', pointing as he spoke. "H-h-hold on, f-f-fellows, d-d-don't fire yet! It's only our old d-d-dun cow!" gasped Bluff, excitedly; as he waved his arms up and down after the manner of a cheer captain at a college football game. "They've lit out, that's what," grumbled William, who felt as though cheated. "All right, then.

"And d-d-don't you l-l-let her g-g-get away on your l-l-life!" added Toby, who was greatly aroused, and had been edging down toward the gutter for several minutes now, evidently bound to be ready to lend a helping hand, if the other chum needed it.

"That's what the t-t-timid ones keep on saying," he observed; "but I d-d-don't think the old bridge'll get shaky till the current of the r-r-river really hits up against the roadway hard. Now, mebbe some of you've been awonderin' what made me fetch this coil of new clothes line along, danglin' from my arm? W-w-want to k-k-know?" "To be sure we do, Toby, so rattle it off, won't you?" said Steve.