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"Why do you let the young lady there wait upon your mother? Can you not nurse her yourself, my good girl?" Sabina Meldreth curtseyed, but in evident mockery, for the color in her cheeks grew higher, and her tone was anything but respectful when she spoke.

She curtseyed reverentially to Vance, as she passed by him; doubtless under the impression that he was a second doctor of divinity, even greater and more learned than the first. He stared in return straight over her head, with small unwinking eyes, his cheeks turning slowly from deep red to dense purple. Mrs.

We laid the poor gentleman by the side of his little son, in the family churchyard where so many of his race repose. Little Miles and I were the chief mourners. An obsequious tenantry bowed and curtseyed before us, and did their utmost to conciliate my honour and my worship.

She was ill-dressed, in a morning wrapper, and looked to him to be at least as old as her husband. The Marquis said something to her in Italian which served as an introduction, but of which Lord George could not understand a word. She curtseyed and Lord George put out his hand. "It is perhaps as well that you should make her acquaintance," said the Marquis.

She came nearer and looked into my face, laughing maliciously. "Or is it the Countess? Haven't they made enough love to the Countess, or too much, or what?" "My dear Victoria," I said, "you must make allowances. The Countess is the prettiest woman in Forstadt." My sister curtseyed with an ironical smile. "I mean, of course," I added, "since William Adolphus carried you off to Gronenstahl."

As they came in the woman of the house rose and curtseyed to the Vicar, but the eldest girl sat still and turned away her head. The Vicar, after saluting her mother, went gently up to her, and patting the baby's cheek, asked her kindly how she did. The girl tried to answer him, but could only sob. She bent down her head again over the child, and began rocking it to and fro.

Pray remember, on all occasions, my address and name Adrienne de Cardoville. Thereupon she disappeared. I could not find a word to say in reply. The same young woman showed me to the door, and curtseyed to me very politely. And there I stood in the Rue de Babylone, as dazzled and astonished as if I had come out of an enchanted palace." "Indeed, my child, it is like a fairy tale.

"I hear," said Eustace, grimly. "Yes, Mr. Meeson, I said 'cheated'; and I will repeat it, whether I am locked up for it or not. Good morning, Mr. Meeson," and she curtseyed to him, and then suddenly burst into a flood of tears. In a minute Eustace was by her side. "Don't cry, Miss Smithers; for Heaven's sake don't I can't bear to see it," he said.

"'Tis not possible, Madam, I should accept it for an act of honesty common to all decent persons. Refuse me not that privilege, and permit me to retire, with thanks to your Ladyship for so encouraging a reception." Again she curtseyed, but I detained her. 'Twas truly a pleasure to see so charming a creature. "Child, if not possible I should serve you in one way, it may in another.

"Adieu mesdames!" said the old woman in a little cracked civil voice a demonstration by which our friends were so affected that they bobbed up and almost curtseyed to her.