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But I did manage to get him a gallon of the best apple brandy I ever tasted." "What do you think of doing?" "I ain't had time ter think, sir. I don't think fast nohow and the first thing I had to do when I come home and tole the ole 'oman and she bust out cryin' wuz ter get drunk. Somehow I couldn't stand it." "You've never learned a trade?"

I'd seen things every once in a while that let in a little light on his life and Mary's, but the old cabin made it all plain as day, and it seemed like every piece o' rubbish in it rose up in judgment against me. I never felt like cryin' at Harvey's funeral, but when I stood there peerin' around, the tears burnt my eyes, and I says to myself, 'Clay and gold! Clay and gold!

I thought I'd try to be like Major; but I expect it was mostly because of the looks of it, for I forgot to try before long. Well, in the spring we was married; and when I come to go away, Major put a little red Bible into my trunk for a weddin' present; but I was cryin' too hard to thank her.

But it looked like death, and there Miss Flamm sot alone with her child, and her conscience. She wuzn't a cryin' but there wuz a look in her eyes, in her set white face that went beyond tears, fur beyond 'em. She gripped holt of my hand with her icy cold ones, and sez she, "Pray for me!" She wuz brung up a Methodist, and knew we wuz the same.

The people all commenced cryin' out as loud as they could: "Artemus Ward! Artemus Ward!" I felt kinder abashed at this, but advanced and called out, "Hear! hear! Friends, it's an amazin' mystery how you know'd my name." I surmised it was kinder dangerous, havin' always experienced a religious awe of the "water of life," and not knowin' but what this might be it.

That's what I tell father when he talks about his rights. We'll take ours home with us to Kingdom come and nobody know much about 'em when we get there. A sight of good it is cryin' out for them in this world, Alb now ain't it, dear?" Alban was in the habit of taking questions very seriously, and he took this one just as though she had put it in the best of good faith.

'Why, Tom, I used to say, 'when your gals takes on and cry, what's the use o' crackin on' em over the head, and knockin' on 'em round? It's ridiculous, says I, 'and don't do no sort o' good. Why, I don't see no harm in their cryin', says I; 'it's natur, says I, 'and if natur can't blow off one way, it will another.

'Yo've got him! he's hid soomwhere yo know whar he is! I'll not stay here if yo conno find him! It wor her fault' and she threw out a shaking hand towards her aunt 'she druv him out last neet an Dawsons took him in an iverybody's cryin shame on her! And if yo doan't mak her find him she knows where he is I'll not stay in this hole! I'll kill her! I'll burn th' house! I'll

'If you please, mum, she said nervously, fumbling all the while with the corner of the table cloth she was folding on the breakfast-table, 'if I might make so bold, mum, without offence, I should like to say as me an' John 'as been talkin' it hover, an' we think now as your good gentleman 'as so much writin' to do, at 'is littery work, mum, as I may make bold to call it, perhaps you wouldn't mind, so as not to disturb 'im with the blessed baby not as that dear child couldn't never disturb nobody, bless 'er dear 'eart, the darling, not even when she's cryin', she's that sweet and gentle, but we thought, mum, as littery gentlemen likes to 'ave the coast clear, in the manner of speakin', and perhaps you wouldn't mind bein' so good as to use the little front room upstairs, mum, for a sort o' nursery, as I may call it, for the dear baby.

He picked up a bit of bread, and began to nibble it, and T-S went to work again. There was another five minutes of silence; and then the picture magnate stopped, with a look of horror on his face. "My Gawd! He's cryin'!" Sure enough, there were two large tears trickling, one down each cheek of the stranger, and dropping on the bread he was putting into his mouth! "Look here, Mr.