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When he finished, she said cheerfully, "Don't worry, Sizzle dear, it'll all come right pretty soon. Now then, let's enter the City an' enjoy the grand feast that's being cooked. I'm nearly starved, myself, for this conquerin' kingdoms is hard work."

Jerry Blunt, indeed, had suggested a triumphal arch with WELCOME in letters tall and wide. But that notion was instantly quashed by wiser heads. 'We be thankful to see 'em back, judicially said Northbourne; 'but we ain't a-goin' to make "conquerin' heroes" of such young limbs!

Could you do it?" "Av coorse I cud do it, if you be wantin' me to; but wud I look good enough, Miss?" "You'd look all right, after I dressed you; but, Susan, could you talk with less, less accent?" "Me brogue, is it, Miss? Faith, an' I fear I can't be after conquerin' that! It's born in me."

Distance drowned the words, but an earlier familiarity supplied them to the grossly syncopated measures of the tune which, soft and clear, stole in at the open window: "Rise in dat mawnin', an' rise in dat mawnin', Rise in dat mawnin', an' fall upon yo' knees. Bow low, an' a-bow low, an' a-bow low a little bit longah, Bow low, an' a-bow low; sich a conquerin' king!"

Theophilus Jones raised himself from the counter on which he was leaning, and waved a lighted candle above his head. "Here comes the teacher make way for the teacher!" Josiah Nummler pounded the floor with his long pole. "See the conquerin' hero comes," he cried. "A place for him a place for him!"

"I ain't awful strong on that conquerin' hero stuff, Andy. I jest as soon set right here " "And spoil the whole darn show! Look here, Pete, you leave it to me and if we don't surprise Ma Bailey clean out of her specs, why, I'll quit and go to herdin' sheep." "A11 right.

They are weakenin'. The military sperrit's dyin' out. The spectacle is conquerin' the sword." This was too direct a slap at Elmer Spiker to pass unnoticed; Elmer was too old an arguer to use any ponderous weapon in return. He even smiled as he punctuated his sentences with his battered spectacle-case. "You never said a truer word, Aaron. It allus was true. It allus will be true.

The hands they folded over his peaceful breast so many years ago, are not lying there in that marble coffin: the calm blue eyes closed so many years ago, are still lookin' into souls. Those hands lift the low walls of the poor boy's chamber, as he reads of victory over tyranny, of conquerin' discouragement and defeat.

Most people would have ginn it up as gone goose, and others been so frightened as not to do any thing at all; or at most only jist to think of a prayer, for there was no time to say one. "But not so Lot's 'wife. She was of a conquerin' natur'. She never gave nothin' up, till she couldn't hold on no longer.

"You come out here an' take one look at these here hills an' think you can beat Ole Lady Nature when she's sittin' pat with a royal flush. But go on I ain't tryin' t' stop you. 'Twouldn't be nothin' but a waste o' breath. You've got this here conquerin' spirit in your blood won't be satisfied till you get it out.