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But Steve, willing to teach a few fellows who could already swim the finer points of the science, balked at teaching the rudiments to a half-hundred water-shy youths who would have to be coaxed and coddled. Mr. Conklin tried his best to persuade him, but Steve refused firmly. They had a whole lot of fun during that swimming hour.

And will not the adventurous pleasure-tourist, who has been jarred, jammed, roasted, coddled, and suffocated in a railroad-car for a whole night, with two days to sandwich it, on being deposited in an airy stateroom for the last two hundred miles of his journey, think the man who invented the steamboat deserving of a "first-rate" life?

"When is father going to lead the men to drive out those dreadful people?" said the girl at last. "I don't know: soon, I hope. When I'm better." "Well, you are better, Ralph." "That's what I told father. Only a bit sore. I'm sick of being coddled up." "That's because you are a boy. You are never happy unless you are in the open-air." "You would not be, if you were a boy," said Ralph sharply.

Mother Michel, worthy of the confidence which had been reposed in her, displayed for Moumouth a truly maternal tenderness; she tended him, coddled him, took such pains with him, in short, that he became one of the most beautiful cats in that quarter of the town where the cats are magnificent.

You see, I'd never been coddled in my life all those years of struggle on my own. Well I just turned soft and he loved to baby me. Why, when I went back to bookkeeping I had to learn it all over like a beginner that's how wrapped up I became in that little home of ours!" "How long, Mrs. Blair, did you live in it?" "Fourteen months and five days.

One always forgives when one understands, you know, and we both understand to-day he no less than I. The chief thing was that we made a huge, irretrievable mistake the mistake that two people make when they think that love can be coddled and nursed like a domestic pet when they forget that it goes wild and free and comes at no man's call. Folly like that is its own punishment, I suppose."

And there was another curiosity quite a stunning one, I thought: Arrow-heads and knives just like those which Primeval Man made out of flint, and thought he had done such a wonderful thing yes, and has been humored and coddled in that superstition by this age of admiring scientists until there is probably no living with him in the other world by now.

That old aunt of his looks after his house in some fashion, but she doesn't look after him. And he's coming now to the age when a man needs to be looked after and coddled a bit. I'm lonesome here, and Ludovic is lonesome up there, and it does seem ridiculous, doesn't it? I don't wonder that we're the standing joke of Grafton. Goodness knows, I laugh at it enough myself.

A man living on a woman's illicit earnings is not coddled by ward heelers and let off with light bail, as in certain notorious California cases. He is given the lash and seven years. Such offenders seldom come up for sentence twice. On the other hand, compared to punishments for property violations, the protection of women and children is ridiculously inadequate.

Colonel Dodd coddled the long parcel with the care a nurse would have bestowed on an infant but he kicked his fat leg clumsily at an urchin who got in his way on the sidewalk. A college professor of Marion happened to be passing at the moment and saw the act and knew what the colonel was carrying in his arms.