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It was fully five minutes before Kent addressed him. "So James Turnbull was poisoned after all," he commented. "A week ago I would have sworn that Jimmie hadn't an enemy in the world." "Ah, but he had; and a very bitter vindictive enemy, if the evidence given at the coroner's inquest this afternoon is to be believed," replied Clymer seriously. "The case is remarkably puzzling." "It is."

Clymer, aware that the atmosphere was getting strained, diplomatically intervened. "Dine with me to-night, Kent," he said. "Perhaps you will then have some news that will throw light on the present whereabouts of the securities. I found, on making inquiries, that they have not been offered for sale in the usual channels. Come, McIntyre, I have a directors' meeting in twenty minutes."

The rooms were pretty well filled when he arrived and made his bow before the blazing, rustling, glistening, waving, blushing appearance under which palpitated, with the pleasing excitement of the magic scene over which its owner presided, the heart of Mrs. Clymer Ketchum. He turned to Myrtle Hazard, and if he had ever doubted which way his inclinations led him, he could doubt no longer.

"Yes, all alone. Sylvester left at five o'clock" "Who knew the combination of the safe?" "Only Rochester and I." It was Ferguson's turn to spring up "By !" he exclaimed. "I thought the electric bulbs in the office felt warm, as if they had recently been burning Rochester must have been there just before me." "It would seem that Rochester is still in the city," remarked Clymer.

"Did you attend the Grosvenor dance?" asked the coroner. "No; the affair was only given for the debutantes of last fall and did not include married people," she explained. "It was a warm night and Colonel McIntyre asked Mr. Benjamin Clymer, who was dining with him, and me, to go for a motor ride, leaving Barbara at the Grosvenors' en route.

Clymer quickly sold out and disappeared. The mill never prospered, and has long been in a ruinous condition. People of the neighborhood think that the ghost of Mrs. Clymer was that her name? still troubles it, and they pass the place with quickened steps. On Lower Ausable Pond is a large, ruddy rock showing a huge profile, with another, resembling a pappoose, below it.

"Remember how insistent Mr. Rochester was that Turnbull had died from angina pectoris?" "I do," acknowledged Clymer, deeply interested. "Continue, Ferguson." The detective needed no second bidding. "Another point," he began. "There never would have been a post-mortem examination if Miss Helen McIntyre hadn't asked for it.

U. S. Grant, Laura Curtis Bullard. Frances Dietz Hallock, Ella Dietz Clymer, Anne Lynch Botta, Mary F. Gilbert, Mrs. While we yield to none in the earnestness of our advocacy of these claims, we make a broader demand for the enfranchisement of woman, as the only way in which all her just rights can be permanently secured.

The arrival of the head waiter at their table interrupted Clymer's reply. "This gentleman desires to speak to you a moment, Miss McIntyre," he said, and indicated a young man in a sack suit standing just back of him. "I'm Parker of the Post," the reporter introduced himself with a bow which included Clymer. "May I sit down?" laying his hand on the back of Mrs. Brewster's vacant chair.

Clymer is waiting for you in his private office, sir," he said, and led the way past the long rows of mahogany counters and plate glass windows to the back of the bank, finally stopping before a door bearing the name, in modest lettering BENJAMIN AUGUSTUS CLYMER. The bank president was sensitive on one point; he never permitted initials only to be used before his name.