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Thankful's orderly, neat soul rebelled against having a pig under the house, but, as she expressed it, "'twas either that or havin' the critter two foot under water." Captain Obed, like every citizen of East Wellmouth, was disgusted with the weather. "I was cal'latin' to put in my spare time down to the shanty buildin' a new dory," he said, "but I guess now I'll build an ark instead.

"And you bring me over a message like that. From her from an Orphans' Home inmate to your own sister! And you let her walk over you, chuck you out as if you was a wornout doormat she'd wiped her boots on, and never said a word. Well, I'll say it for you. I'll tell her what I think of her. And she was cal'latin' to sue YOU for breaches of promise, was she? Humph! Two can play at that game.

By the way, I told Caroline where I was cal'latin' to go this mornin', and she wished to be remembered to you." Pearson seemed pleased, but he made no comment. Captain Elisha blew a smoke ring from his pipe. "And say, Jim," he added, embarrassed in his turn, "I hope you won't think I'm interferin' in your affairs, but are you still set against comin' up to where I live?

"Sam," he said, sadly, "if you knew what I know about me you'd . . . but there, you're talkin' wild. I was cal'latin' to have a cup of tea and you'd better have one, too. I'm heatin' some water on top of the stove now. It must be about ready." He lifted the saucepan from the top of the "gas burner" and tested the water with his finger. "Hum," he mused, "it's stone cold.

Instead he rose and, saying something about cal'latin' he would go for a little walk before turning in, went out into the yard. But the war did not end, it went on; so too did the enlisting and training. In the early summer Albert came home for a two days' leave. He was broader and straighter and browner.

"Matilda was cal'latin' to go down and set with her a spell this afternoon, if she didn't have anything else to do if Matilda didn't, I mean." Matilda was his wife. In her husband's company she was as dumb as a broken phonograph; when he was not with her she talked continuously, as if to get even.

Then, mindful of his promise, he added, "You and I'll have it all to ourselves. I've been cal'latin' to hire a sail-boat for the summer; got my eye on a capable little sloop belongin' to a feller on the Sound shore. If all goes well I'll close the deal in a few days.

The stage-driver told me the way to the cable station, but I've forgotten whether he said to turn to the right when I reached here, or to the left." Captain Eri took his lantern from the floor of the wagon and held it up. He had seen the stranger when the latter left the train, but he had not heard the dialogue with Josiah Bartlett. "How was you cal'latin' to go to the station?" he asked.

Atkins. Emily's mother was a Thayer, wasn't she? and the Thayers once lived in Orham. I wish we could find out more about them while they lived there." Asaph Tidditt pulled his beard thoughtfully. "Well," he observed, "maybe we can, if we want to, though I don't think what we find out 'll amount to nothin'. I was kind of cal'latin' to go to Orham next week on a little visit.

Anyhow she looked worried and Olindy Cahoon's dressmakin' gabble is enough to worry anybody. She left a note for you." "Who? Olinda?" "Land sakes! no! What would Olindy be doin' down here? There ain't any brides to dress in this house, or bridegrooms either unless you're cal'latin' to be one, or Lute turns Mormon. That last notion ain't such a bad one," with a dry smile.