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"Supposing now that the mane was off her, and something about six inches of a dock took off her tail, what sort of a cob d'ye think she'd make, Larry?" The smith, with a sudden falsetto cackle of laughter, plunged the shoe into a tub of water, in which it gurgled and spluttered as if in appreciation of the jest.

The colonel told them that the declaration of war had already appeared in Petersburg and that a copy, which he had himself seen, had that day been forwarded by courier to the commander in chief. "And why the deuce are we going to fight Bonaparte?" remarked Shinshin. "He has stopped Austria's cackle and I fear it will be our turn next."

The old loyalist loyalist now, if never certainly before sat down on the settle and laughed; a dry wizened cackle of a laugh that sounded like the crumpling of new parchment. "You'd best be off, light foot and tight foot, Master Richard, lest you learn shrewdly for yourself. 'Tis in everybody's mouth by this.

The woods are calm and the ripe colors are blazing in all their glory; the cone-laden trees stand motionless in the warm, hazy air, and you may see the crimson-crested woodcock, the prince of Sierra woodpeckers, drilling some dead limb or fallen trunk with his bill, and ever and anon filling the glens with his happy cackle.

I hear my horse whinnying from the barn, the chickens begin to crow and cackle, and such a grunting and squealing as the pigs set up from behind the straw stack, it would do a man's heart good to hear! "It's a friendly world," I say to myself, "and full of business." I plow through the snow to the stable door. I scuff and stamp the snow away and pull it open with difficulty.

Side by side we fronted the group as if we might have been partners which, in a measure, we were, but not wholy according to the lout Daniel's cackle and the suddenly interrogating countenances here and there. "You would take her in, Rachael?" the Captain rumbled. "Have you not heard what I said?" "We are commanded to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless, Hyrum." "Verily that is so. Take her.

Suddenly he had become hostile, lividly vicious; he laughed a shrill cackle in her face, his nose wrinkled like a dog's. "No good to me," he said. "T'ree shillin' poof! For free shillin' here you buy-a free drink. For room an' dinner you pay-a one pound. Take-a your t'ree shillin' away; I don't vant-a you an' your free shillin'. You get out go walk-a in da street."

In this crisis I bethought me of a long-neglected art, and crowed like a cock. The shrill strain hardly reached the ear of the good woman before it was answered by such laughter as none but village lungs could raise. William an admirable mimic began to cackle like a hen. In due time we had a broiled fowl, an omelette, and boiled eggs."

Ruth drew a scratch pad to her and scribbled rapidly for a couple of minutes. Then she passed the page to the newspaper proprietor. Mr. Payne read it, stared at her, pursed his lips, and then read it again. Suddenly he burst into a cackle of laughter, slapping his thigh in high delight. "By gravy!" he chortled, "that's a good one on the dominie. By gravy! wait till I tell "

It was just on the top of that discouragement that the Duchess wanted me to write something in her album something Persian, you know, and just a little bit decadent and I thought a quatrain on an unwholesome egg would meet the requirements of the case. So I started in with "Cackle, cackle, little hen, How I wonder if and when Once you laid the egg that I Met, alas! too late. Amen."