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"I take-a da mustang," he said to the boy who had held Ford's horse during the short interview with Benson. And when the bronco was brought out, the Mexican, like Ford, looked to the cinches, mounted, and rode down the street leading to the lower mesa and the river.

His manner seemed to indicate that, while she met with the approval of Fontelli, the slave of her sex, to Fontelli, the employer, she appealed in vain. He gave his mustache a sorrowful twirl. "Ah, no," he sighed. "Not da cashier do I need. I take-a myself da money." Mr. Jarvis looked at him coldly. He continued to look at him coldly.

You go-a in-a da peanut-a beezneez, hey? You want-a push-a de cart, hey?" "That's it, Tony." "Ver-a good!" nodded the good-natured Italian. "You come-a long-a me, pal. I take-a you get-a push-a-de-cart, up-a de street, yes?"

I take-a pennees so," and he went over a handful of invisible coins, "I see!" pointing to the ring. "Where get-a?" He stared wildly around, to show how great had been his amazement. "Ah-h! him ba-ad-a monkee! him get-a up-a beeg house beeg seeck-house yours!" He ended with a delighted grin, which signified his pleasure in having his surmises come true.

I'll pay A.B.'s wages on Liverpool scale, and that's a lot more than you Dagos give amongst yourselves, and if the men work well I'll throw in a dash besides for 'bacca money." "Ta-ta-ta," said the Portuguese, with a wave of his yellow fist. "It cannot be done, and I will not lend you men. It shall do as I say; we take-a you into Ferroll.

"I play out-a here af'-a-noon-a," with a sweep of his hand towards the left. "Monkee him ba-ad-a monkee! Him take-a yours?" and he held out the missing ring. "Oh, yes, that is ours!" the Doctor exclaimed. "We have been trying to find it. Polly! Polly! Come here!" Polly obeyed, though slowly, because of her tears; but when she recognized the organ grinder curiosity hastened her steps. Dr.

Suddenly he had become hostile, lividly vicious; he laughed a shrill cackle in her face, his nose wrinkled like a dog's. "No good to me," he said. "T'ree shillin' poof! For free shillin' here you buy-a free drink. For room an' dinner you pay-a one pound. Take-a your t'ree shillin' away; I don't vant-a you an' your free shillin'. You get out go walk-a in da street."

Their leader made his proposal at once. "All right-a, Captain, I see how you want. We take charge now, and take-a you into Ferrol without you being at more trouble." "Nothing of the kind," said Kettle. "I'm just wanting the loan of two or three hands to give my fellows a spell or two at that pump. We're a bit short-handed, that's all. But otherwise we're quite comfortable.

We'd got inside the doorway without a word bein' said, when a bright-eyed Dago girl with a rainbow-tinted handkerchief about her neck breaks the spell. "Picture, Meester take-a da picture?" says she pleadin'. With that the others breaks loose. "Picture, Meester! Please-a, Meester? Picture, picture!"