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The hoary Sire and aged Matron see Their prosp'rous Offering to the fourth Degree: With Grief sincere, the blooming offspring close Their Parent's Eyes, and pay their Debt of Woes; Then haste to honest, joyous Marriage Bands, A newborn Race is rear'd by careful Hands: Thro' num'rous Ages thus they'll happy move In active Bus'ness, and in chastest Love.

"It's the roughest on you, sir. I tell yer what it is, it ain't a very disagreeable piece of bus'ness for me to git married to Melindy Jane Thrasher when we've been a-courtin' mor'n two years jest two years last hayin' time, for Melindy came to our house to help the wimmin folks and the first time I sot eyes on her I'd made up my mind." Mr.

"You infernal bundle of hair and rags, do you dare to stand there and tell me how to run my own affairs?" roared Ward, thoroughly incensed. "Keep your bus'ness your own bus'ness for all I care," Connick answered angrily. "But when it gits to be bus'ness that can't be backed up man-fashion then ye may find that day's wages don't buy the whole earth for ye."

Friend. Traitor! thou know'st me, and my bus'ness. Look on this Face, if thou dar'st look on him Whom thou hast doubly wrong'd and draw thy Sword. Bel. Thou should'st be Friendlove, Brother to Celinda. Friend. And Lover of Diana too Oh, quickly draw, Or I shall leave thee, like a Coward, dead. Bel.

"I'm blamed sorry this bus'ness has to wind up as it does, but there's no help fur it, and we'll leave fur the ranch after breakfast." "Will you keep your appointment with Tozer?" "I've been thinking of that; yes, I'll meet him." There was a peculiar intonation in these words that caused both boys to look into that bearded face, but they could not be sure of his meaning.

"Such bein' the case," remarked Wade Ruggles, with becoming gravity, "this meeting will proceed to bus'ness. Pards, a hein'us crime has been committed among us.

Another sort of officers we have, Deacons we call them 'cause their work's to save And distribute those crumbs of charity Unto the poor, for their subsistency, That contributed is for their relief, Which of their bus'ness is indeed the chief. These must be grave, not of a double tongue, Not given to wine, not apt to do a wrong Unto the poor, through love to lucre.

"Ain't seen 'er fer months; run away last June, after 'elping 'erself to some of my cash, an' ain't been back since. 'Sides, what's it got to do with you, Guv'nor, I'd like to know? You mind yer own bus'ness." He leered drunkenly at Leroy, who turned away with a look of disgust. He knew how useless it was to expect truth from such a quarter.

He called the hour, and then shouted, at the top of his lungs: The bus'ness of our lovely state Is stricken by the hand of fate Even our maids, both light and brown, Can find no sale in all the town; They deck themselves with all their arts, But no one buys their worn-out hearts."

Then he said: "If you'll turn the matter over in your mind, younker, you'll see that this bus'ness can't be put through without giving the scamps the chance to swindle us the worst sort of way. They won't give up the boy on our promise to pay 'em the money and no questions asked, for they don't b'leve we'll do it; so we've got to give 'em the money and trust to their honor to keep their part.