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Number One wished to have her for his very own; nor would it be a difficult matter, so fragile was she, to gather her up in those great, brute arms and carry her deep into the jungle far out of hearing of the bull-whip man and the cold, frowning one who was continually measuring and weighing Number One and his companions, the while he scrutinized them with those strange, glittering eyes that frightened one even more than the cruel lash of the bull whip.

"We might miss him in the dark. But the moon will be up in an hour, and then we can go at full speed. We better wait." "Poor little sorry father! I wish we had gone home sooner." "He certainly's got more spunk in him than I gave him credit for! He had old Brigham and the rest of them plumb buffaloed for a minute. Oh, he did crack the old bull-whip over them good!" "Poor little father!

How do I know it?" he demanded, in the midst of his excited harangue. "Sanchez told me 'Patchie Sanchez, the runner, last night. No night before, or some night. Right here, I thought; right here where you all heard! He said they'd ordered him ironed in Prescott for telling the truth, and he said the sergeant had orders to flog him with a bull-whip, and he killed the man that tried to flog him.

I've been kept so badly frightened all month by threats to drag me out of my home and hang me, or otherwise measure me up for a crop of angelic pin-feathers that I've been unable to write anything worth reading. But as soon as I can swallow my heart and quit shivering I will grab the English language by the butt-end and make it crack like a new bull-whip about the ears of hypocrites and humbugs.

Yeoo-oo-oo Buff. Bang. As it is difficult to make a noise in print, it might be well to explain that, of the above words, the last is supposed to sound like a revolver-shot. It is as near as we can come to the disturbance made by a Texas "prairie buster" as he came down Claxton road. Ahead of him were ten oxen five yoke. His far-reaching bull-whip exploded just beside Rip's left ear.

One Olsen, who has since walked with a limp, can tell you that. Another feature of the harness-breaking came as an interruption to further bull-whip play by Farmer Perkins.

The lash of his bull-whip sang around him, and his great voice sent its blasts of noise ahead. When we heard a fearful yell and rumble in the distance, we knew Abe was coming. 'Abe he come, said Grandma Bisnette. 'Mon Dieu! he make de leetle rock fly. It was like the coming of a locomotive with roar of wheel and whistle.

Any kind you can lay your hands to in a hurry; quirt or buggy-whip or bull-whip!" Blenham watched Barbee go. Then, drawn back into a corner of the room, sullen and vigilant, he stood biting nervously at a big, clenched, hairy fist. Bill Royce, hastily and but half dressed, came promptly to the house, stumbling along at Barbee's heels.

Dat's how come I is Berry Smith. "Dey didn' have no schools for us an' didn' teach us nothin' but work. De bull-whip an' de paddle was all de teachin' we got. De white preachers used to preach to de Niggers sometimes in de white folks' church, but I didn' go much. "We had fun in dem days in spite o' ever'thing. De pranks we used to play on dem paterollers!

Then a miracle happened. Along the trail we heard the familiar crack of a bull-whip, and when the train came up we found it was the same with which we had enlisted for the outward journey, returning to Denver with mining machinery. Among this machinery was a big steam-boiler, the first to be taken into Colorado. On the way out the outfit had been jumped by Indians.