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"Just because a fellow can stick to the hurricane deck of a bronch without pulling leather whilst it's making a milk shake out of him don't prove that he has got any more brains or decency than the law allows. Say, ain't this a peach of a mo'ning." A party of young people were taking an early morning ride through the outskirts of the little city.

The Gauchos of the Patagonian Pampas were famous for that feat of horsemanship. I asked Joe Isbel what he thought of such riding. And he said: "Wal, I can ride a wild steer bare-back, but excoose me from tacklin' a buckin' bronch without saddle an' stirrups." This coming from the acknowledged champion horseman of the southwest was assuredly significant.

But Annixter remembered that the Trees' cottage, next the dairy-house, looked out upon the stables, and perhaps Hilma would see him while he was mounting the horse and be impressed with his courage. "Huh!" grunted Annixter under his breath, "I should like to see that fool Delaney try to bust that bronch. That's what I'D like to see."

There was one man too many in that thicket for the horse. French Dan's pardner was afraid they might not agree about who was to have the bronch for a swift getaway. So he took no chances. There's only one man alive to-day can swear that Soapy was the man with French Dan lying in the zacaton. And he'll never tell, because he pumped the bullet into his friend. But one thing is sure.

"Buenos, senor," she answered promptly. "I'll bet you'd lose your money." He swung from the saddle. "That's good hearing. When a fellow has had his knees clamped to the side of a bronch for seven hours he's sure ready for the dinner bell." "You can wash over there by the pump. There's a towel on the fence."

"Anybody would think yu was a little boy with yore fool jokes. Ain't yu ever goin' to grow up?" "They've got our bronch," replied Mr. Connors in an injured tone. "Honest, I ain't kiddin' yu," he added for the sake of peace. "Who has?" Came from the window, followed immediately by, "Yu've got my boots!" "I ain't they're under th' bunk," contradicted and explained Mr. Connors.

"I'll git it, don't you fear," said Jim. "I know there ain't no one so blind as the feller who's always lookin' for a job, but the little kid has fetched me a sort of second sight." "Well, if anything was goin' hard, we'd like for to know," insisted Bone. "I guess we'd better start along, though, now, if we're goin' to scare up a bronch to-night." He and the blacksmith departed.

I'm a whole lot farther from Paso now than I was when I started, an seem as I lost a jack I'll be some time gittin' there. Yu don't happen to sabe a jack I can borrow, do yu?" "I don't know about no jack, but I'll rope yu a bronch," offered Red, winking at Johnny. "I'll pull her myself before I'll put dynamite in di' traces," replied the driver.