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Updated: August 8, 2024

But she was perhaps surprised to find them luminous, soft, and, as it seemed to her at that moment, grave beyond the occasion. An embarrassment utterly new and singular seized upon her; and when, as she half feared yet half expected, he bent down and pressed his lips to hers, she was for a moment powerless. But in the next instant she boxed his ears sharply, and vanished in the darkness. When Mr.

Too methodical one, too fiery the other. In duets of Hauptmann's, with Nesta at the piano, the contrast of dull smoothness and overstressed significance was very noticeable beside the fervent accuracy of her balanced fingering; and as she could also flute, she could criticize; though latterly, the flute was boxed away from lips that had devoted themselves wholly to song: song being one of the damsel's present pressing ambitions.

You've not been boxed up in the bush all your life, though you've been a goodish while there. Make a start, and bring old Crib too. 'I'm too old and getting stiff in the j'ints, says dad, brightening up a bit, 'or I don't say as I wouldn't. Don't mind my growling. But I'm bound to be a bit lonely like when you are all drawed off the camp. No! take your own way and I'll take mine.

Tetterby himself, however, in his little parlour, as already mentioned, having the presence of a young family impressed upon his mind in a manner too clamorous to be disregarded, or to comport with the quiet perusal of a newspaper, laid down his paper, wheeled, in his distraction, a few times round the parlour, like an undecided carrier-pigeon, made an ineffectual rush at one or two flying little figures in bed-gowns that skimmed past him, and then, bearing suddenly down upon the only unoffending member of the family, boxed the ears of little Moloch's nurse.

Herr von Uhl told me that same day what you had demanded. I saw Hellar immediately and he declared a raid on Marguerite's apartment. But he came himself with only one assistant who is in his confidence, and they boxed the books and carted them off. They will be turned in as contraband volumes, but the report will be falsified; no one will ever know from whence they came."

'I found Primrose reduced to the verge of distraction yesterday because 'Willie would call her Leg of Mutton. 'I hope you boxed his ears! cried Gillian. 'I did give it to him well, said Hal, laughing. 'Thank you, said his mother. 'A big brother is more effective in such cases than any one else can be.

"Oh, please first of all let me see the remains of the silk parachute that was attached to the bark letter!" said Andy, after they had conversed for a short time and some of the planter's hired servants had unloaded the boxed aeroplane, which was stowed away in a place of security. Doubtless the planter understood the reason for the boy's solicitude.

The house is on fire, and we're boxed in this cupola like rats in a trap." Spuddy sprang out of bed. The thunder he had dreamed of was the roar of the fire in the walls of the great house. The rain descending on the roof was the water being thrown from the long fire-hose. A strong stream of ice-cold water suddenly broke the window, driving Swipes against the wall. He whimpered drunkenly.

It's rot; it's absurd; it's unreal. That's what's the matter with it. It's not real. Don't tell me that anybody in this world ever made love that way. Why, if I'd made love to you in such fashion, you'd have boxed my ears." "But you misunderstand," Ruth protested. "Every form of art has its limitations." In writing, again, the author must be omnipotent.

"Well, she boxed my ears, Gran, so I only boxed hers, and then she boxed mine again." "Strike a lady? That'll never do! Have you begged her pardon?" "Not yet." "Then you must go and do it at once. Come along." "But she began it, Gran; and she had two to my one." "My dear, it was an outrageous thing to do." "Well, she lost her temper; and I didn't lose mine." "Come along."

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