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Korner, for answer, boxed the girl's ears; it relieved her feelings to a slight extent. The staff retained its equanimity, but the operations of Mrs. Korner and her bosom friend were retarded rather than assisted by the voice of Mr. Korner, heard every quarter of a minute, roaring out fresh directions. "I dare not go in alone," said Mrs. Korner, when all things were in order on the tray.

She flushed at this, and caught at my arm with both hands, which made me smile, for few men in that country could have put away my arms from the stone until I liked. Then I bent and kissed her fair, and took what revenge was due our girls for her Philadelphia manners. When she boxed my ears I kissed her once more. Had she not at that smiled at me a little, I should have been a boor, I admit.

"Yes; but where are we bound?" "Bound to sea." "But how long are we to be out?" "Well, I've boxed the compass, taken an observation, worked up an altitude, swung six and cast out nine, and I've made up my mind that we shall be out till we return to port again. I may be wrong, but you can figure it up for yourself." "O, come! Is there any secret about the vessel's destination?" added Herman.

"I am sorry," the Baron said, "but I have had it moved to my art gallery to be packed." "Then let's go to the gallery," urged the patron of art. "We've just time before lunch." He rose to his feet, and on the instant the soul of the picture-dealer was filled with alarm. In actual words he said: "The picture is already boxed and in its lead coffin. No doubt by now it is on its way to Liverpool.

Gianni,” Giovanni Caracciolo, head of an eminent family that has figured prominently in Neapolitan history from the days of Angevin monarchs to those of King Ferdinand. Little good did the fickle Queen’s favour do Ser. Gianni, who suffered an ignominious fate for having one day boxed Joanna’s ears during a lovers’ tiff.

In their blind, unseeing rushes they collided with each other, and a score of fierce passions leaped to life within them, chief of which was a lust for war. Madly, savagely, senselessly, neither knowing or caring with whom they fought, they stabbed and shot, and clawed and scratched, and boxed and wrestled with each other.

Clo made Sally wait on her more than ever, boxed the girl's ears for her own mistakes, tried on new turbans, surveyed herself in the glass, and fluttered from room to room in the highest state of feminine triumph. Dolf tried his best to be happy, but it required a vivid recollection of the money lying in that bank to make him at all comfortable. He kept repeating to himself: "Five hundred dollars!

Go tell your husband that he boxed my daughter's ears, and that I have accordingly boxed his wife's." The rain had ceased. Recruits had arrived. Workmen had brought under their blouses a barrel of powder, a basket containing bottles of vitriol, two or three carnival torches, and a basket filled with fire-pots, "left over from the King's festival."

"I don't want to sleep alone!" said she; "I don't want to sleep alo-o-one!" At another time Dotty would have laughed heartily. It was so absurd for a child to be lonesome when there were three in the bed! But Dotty was too low-spirited even to smile. Mrs. Rosenberg came up and boxed Rosina's ears; and after that the trundle-bed subsided.

I felt that I could love my mother, love her dearly, if she would have allowed me so to do. I had tried to obtain her good-will, but I received nothing in return but blows, and at last I became so alarmed when in her presence that I almost lost my reason. My ears were boxed till I could not recollect where I was, and I became stupefied with fear.