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The battle must be fought out between Death and the Nurses minute by minute and degree by degree. Mrs. Shute almost boxed Dumoise's ears for what she called his "criminal delay," and went off at once to look after the poor girl.

He grasped one of the curs in his deadly hug, and with his teeth planted in its neck, relinquished not his hold until it fell from his arms a disfigured and lifeless object. He boxed those that were tearing his hams with his ponderous claws, sending them screaming to the right and left.

And she boxed their ears, and thumped them over the head with rulers, and pandied their hands with canes, and told them that they told stories, and were this and that bad sort of people; and the more they were very indignant, and stood upon their honour, and declared they told the truth, the more she declared they were not, and that they were only telling lies; and at last she birched them all round soundly with her great birch-rod and set them each an imposition of three hundred thousand lines of Hebrew to learn by heart before she came back next Friday.

He had even ventured a few independent ones when she pricked him, and though he got his ears boxed, she didn't seem angry. But to deliberately kiss her now at parting was an entirely different matter. No doubt Liddy knew what he was thinking about, for when the gate was reached she paused and did not enter. She thanked him sweetly for his company home, and declared she had had a delightful time.

Our made-up wines are a great deal better than the natural ones in their own country. Come, Pierrotin, take a glass! It is a great pity your horses can't take one, too; we might go faster." "Forward, march!" cried Pierrotin, amid a mighty cracking of whips, after the travellers were again boxed up. It was now eleven o'clock.

As to Turnbull and the other two that you've boxed up ashore, of course I must take them along with me and hand them over to the authorities upon our arrival at Capetown, because, d'ye see, they're all guilty of the murder of poor Cap'n Hopkins. So you can bring them off or I'll send ashore for 'em whenever you like.

When I look into the past and think how he used to tell me you were running after the girls behind my back! But did I believe him? No! I boxed his ears and told him where the liars go. I didn't run away and hide from my lawful husband." Nicky took it all in very slow. "I'll have such a fearful vengeance on that dog as never was heard about!" he swore. "Strike me blind if I don't!

Have not you boxed my ears, because, when stumbling through the 'Anabasis, my Greek pronunciation tortured your fastidious and correct taste? Did not you tell me that you read nearly the whole of Sallust by spreading the book open on the dairy shelf while you churned, thus saving time?

But he practiced with a rifle, rowed and boxed, ran and wrestled. In his vacations he went hunting in Maine. Boxing was one of his favorite forms of sport, for two reasons. He thought a boy or a man ought to be able to defend himself and others, and he enjoyed hard exercise. It is important to know what he thought and did about self-defense and fighting.

"You clear out of this or I'll make you," she said warningly. Tommy had had his ears boxed by Miss Octavia more than once. He had no desire to have the performance repeated, so he stuck his tongue out at Miss Octavia and then marched up the street with his hands in his pockets, whistling jauntily. "He's the most impudent brat I ever saw in my life," muttered Miss Octavia wrathfully.