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Gales of compunction blew; of self-interest also; and the common judgment veered with them. After the inevitable verdict had been recorded, a fresh jury was empanelled, and there was a stamping of sturdy Cumbrian feet up the inn stairs to view the pitiful remains of another human being, botched by Nature in the flesh, no less lamentably than Melrose in the spirit.

She had come solely because she hated to see a job botched, and there was not a moment to lose if it was not to be botched. She had come, not because she had the slightest sympathetic interest in Musa on the contrary, she was coldly angry with him but because she had a horror of fiascos.

"You blame Tom Swift because your brother botched his job of claiming the satellite Nestria by force and fraud?" Ames taunted. "Our space friends moved that asteroid into orbit around the earth," Tom added. "We claimed it by right of first landing. Even your own leaders couldn't agree to Streffan's crazy scheme to destroy everything."

He paid no attention to Irving; he addressed the table. “I told Scarborough he might have known things would be botched somehow.” “Why?” asked Blake. “Oh, you’ve got to have officials who know their business.” There was an interval of silence at the table; Westby, having fired his shot, sat straight, with cheeks flushed, looking across at Blake.

He stared for a second as if he didn't understand. Then he leaped to his feet and cursed like a trooper. 'You've botched it, as I knew you would. I knew no good would come of your infernal subtleties. And he consigned me and Blenkiron and the British army and Ivery and everybody else to the devil. I was past being angry.

Crewe, "never mind reading any more of that rot." "It's botched," said Mr. Tooting, whose artistic soul was jarred. "I'd have put that in Avalon County, and Weave, and Marshall. I know men that take all three of those papers in Putnam." No need of balloonists to see what the enemy is about, when we have a Mr. Tooting. "They're stung!" he cried, as he ran rapidly through the bundle of papers Mr.

Just as deceptive as plain fraud is the deceptive ballot. We all know how when the political tricksters were compelled to frame a direct primary law in New York they fixed the ballot so that it botched the election. Corporations have been known to do just that to their reports. Did not E. H. Harriman say of a well-known statistician that he could make an annual report tell any story you pleased?

They were intended to be, if we are to call them bad. Botched mendings will only make them worse. 'Which side suffers? 'Both; and both like it. One side must be beaten at any game. It's off and on, pretty equal except in the sets where one side wears thick boots. Is this fellow for starting a mixed sexes school? Funny mothers! 'I suppose Aminta said, and checked the supposition.

This is perfectly true; much as Lonnrot botched and vamped the Finnish lays he made no epic out of them. But, as it is true, how did the late Athenian drudge of Pisistratus succeed where Lonnrot failed? Consequently the disintegrators of the Odyssey, when they are logical, are reduced to averring that the poem is an exceedingly inartistic whole, a whole not artistic at all. While Mr.

Ito, the lawyer in Tokyo through whom the dividends were paid, and that of "my cousin Fujinami Gentaro." Tsuyu no yo no Tsuyu no yo nagara Sari nagara! While this dewdrop world Is but a dewdrop world, Yet all the same! The fabric of our lives is like a piece of knitting, terribly botched and bungled in most cases.