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Then, just as the fun was at an almost impossible point, and the conductor, highly entertained but worried, was considering how to get this chap arrested, Billy walked up to him with charming friendliness and shook hands. "One th' besh track meets I've ever had pleasure attendin', sir," he said genially, and sat down and relapsed into grave dignity.

But, hatch a wongish! maybe in a divvus, maybe in a curricus, maybe a dood, maybe a besh, maybe waver divvus, he rummorbend a rakli by the nav of Fair Man, and her yakkas were as kaulo as miri juva's. There's always dui rikk to a dukkerben. Once a little Gorgio put on a woman's gown and went to an old Gipsy mother to have his fortune told.

A fresh burst of grief announced that Dad had deciphered the lettering. "Sam!" he cried bitterly. "Me old fren' Sam! To think of bringing him here without letting me know! The besh fren' I ever had." Here sobs choked his utterance. He stooped and examined the shining marble slab again, lurching from one side to the other with incessant motion. "An' not a flowersh onsh grave!" he cried.

Naville wishes to regard the Hierakonpolite monuments of Narmer as belonging to the IId Dynasty, but, as we have seen, they are among the most archaic known, and certainly must belong to the beginning of the Ist Dynasty. The resemblance of Betju to Besh may have contributed to this confusion.

"That is a fino gudlo a fine story; and all of it about an ash tree. Can you tell me anything about the surrelo rukk the strong tree the oak?" "Only what I've often heard our people say about its life." "And what is that?" "Dui hundred besh a hatchin, dui hundred besh nasherin his chuckko, dui hundred besh 'pre he mullers, and then he nashers sar his ratt and he's kekoomi kushto."

In English Gipsy kurran, or kurraben, is also an oath, and it seems strange that such a word from such a source should exist in England. It is, however, more interesting as indicating that the Gipsies did not leave India until familiarised with Mohammedan rule. "He kaired his kurran pre the Duvel's Bavol that he would jal 'vree the tem for a besh."

But 'tis the spirit of thy nation; so crack crack on. Ha! and no one gives the wall! but in the School of Urbanity herself, if the walls are besh..t how can you do otherwise? And prithee when do they light the lamps? What? never in the summer months! Ho! 'tis the time of sallads. O rare! sallad and soup soup and sallad sallad and soup, encore 'Tis too much for sinners.

"He hash eshcaped!" cried the Jew. "Who? Jack!" exclaimed Jonathan. "Yesh," replied Abraham. "I vent to de New Prish'n, and on wishitin' his shel vid de turnkey, vot should ve find but de shains on de ground, de vinder broken, and Jack and Agevorth Besh gone." "Damnation!" cried Jonathan, stamping his foot with uncontrollable rage. "I'd rather have given a thousand pounds than this had happened.

Yeckorus, most a hundred besh kenna, when mi dadas sus a chavo, yeck ratti a booti Rommany chals san millerin kettenescrus pash the boro panni, kun sar-sig the graias ankaired a-wickerin an' ludderin an' nuckerin' an kairin a boro gudli, an' the Rommanis shuned a shellin, an' dicked mushis prasterin and lullyin for lenders miraben, sa's seer-dush, avree a boro hev.

I was about to fall asleep also, when I heard the sound of music and song. Piramus was playing on the fiddle, whilst Mrs. Chikno, who had a voice of her own, was singing in tones sharp enough, but of great power, a gypsy song: To mande shoon ye Romany chals Who besh in the pus about the yag, I'll pen how we drab the baulo, I'll pen how we drab the baulo.