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Que ella venga y se explique, y si dice que , entonces.... ¿Bruno? BRUNO. Mande usted. DON PEDRO. Porque si dice que no ... ya ve usted ... un buen padre no debe nunca violentar la inclinación de sus hijos. DON EDUARDO. Repito a usted que ella misma.... BRUNO. ¿Llama usted? DON PEDRO. , ¿dónde está la niña? BRUNO. En su cuarto ... representando, a lo que parece, algún paso de comedia.

That Attila should treat the kings who are dependent on him like good-for-nothing fellows: Ils ne sont pas venus, nos deux rois; qu'on leur die Qu'ils se font trop attendre, et qu' Attila s'ennuie Qu'alors que je les mande ils doivent se hater: may in one view appear very serious and true; but nevertheless it appears exceedingly droll to us from the turn of expression, and especially from its being the opening of the piece.

Ah, you may well call it a long time since we met why, it can't be less than thirty year." "Something about that you were a boy then of about fifteen." "So I was, and you a tall young slip of about twenty; well, how did you come to jin mande?" "Why, I knew you by your fighting mug there ain't such another mug in England."

They sent for masks of black velvet, so as to hide from the regent as long as possible who his enemies were, left with Madame de Maine Malezieux, who from his age, and Brigaud, who from his profession, were naturally excluded from such an expedition, fixed a rendezvous at Saint Mande, and left, each one separately, so as not to arouse suspicions.

"At what time?" "Six o'clock." "Where?" "At Saint Mande." "Who told you?" "The Count de Rochefort." Some one drew near. "And then philosophic ideas are wholly wanting in Voiture's works, but I am of the same opinion as the coadjutor he is a poet, a true poet." Aramis spoke so as to be heard by everybody. "And I, too," murmured the young lady with the velvet eyes.

And Dumas knew it well: three times at least he shows his knowledge; once it is but flashed upon us, and received with the laughter of Fouquet himself, in the jesting controversy in the gardens of Saint Mandé; once it is touched on by Aramis in the forest of Sénart; in the end, it is set before us clearly in one dignified speech of the triumphant Colbert.

Bonacieux had named Mande because Mande was in an exactly opposite direction from St. Cloud. This probability afforded him his first consolation. If Bonacieux knew where his wife was, one might, by extreme means, force the mercer to open his teeth and let his secret escape. The question, then, was how to change this probability into a certainty.

"No more there an't my old father always used to say it was of no use hitting it for it always broke his knuckles. Well, it was kind of you to jin mande after so many years. The last time I think I saw you was near Brummagem, when you were travelling about with Jasper Petulengro and I say, what's become of the young woman you used to keep company with?" "I don't know." "You don't?

Mande to make some inquiries after a servant, as I cannot possibly do without one; and the roads were so bad that I brought back all this mud, which I have not yet had time to remove." The place named by Bonacieux as that which had been the object of his journey was a fresh proof in support of the suspicions d'Artagnan had conceived.

Being of course very differently attired from the rest of the assemblage, we were very conspicuous, but they took no notice of us whatever; if they happened to run against us whilst waltzing and whirling about, they always said "Je vous 'mande pardon, Monsieur," and nothing farther.