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"Oh!" said Sheen, politely. "We shall get one or two more chaps to help next time. It isn't good enough, only us two. We had four great beefy hooligans on to us when Linton got his tooth knocked out. We had to run. There's a regular gang of them going about the town, now that the election's on. A red-headed fellow, who looks like a butcher, seems to boss the show. They call him Albert.

His beefy face was flushed as red as his flannel shirt. His eyes were fixed boldly on the Texan. "The barkeeper tells me yuh were inquirin' fer me," he said heavily. "What's on yore mind?" Mullhall was directly behind him, insolent of face and bearing. The two seemed to be paying no attention to the trio of men behind The Kid.

"But what's this story of another shooting up in Fortescue Square? Is it true?" Then Furneaux dug him in the ribs. "This isn't the Wild and Woolly West," he said. "This is London, sir, poor, old, played-out London, whose beefy citizens do nothing but eat, talk cricket or golf, and sleep. If you credit the newspapers, you'll never get us in the right perspective."

"A lot of beefy, red-faced angels buying us up and taking us off to their own places without a word to us of where we're to go to, and commenting most unfeelingly on all our failings...." "You funny person," he murmured, "you're tired. Probably hungry. Where's that cottage you talked about where they'll give us tea?" "Over yonder," she quavered, "but I'm not wanting any tea."

Do you suppose I'm going to let our pet arrangement drop that way and leave you to be so misconstrued? Come back here and sit down." Why, you are well off now, to begin with; that is, your father is; and I am poor, downright poor Ferguson must have seen that." Here was a surprise! The dreamy youth was proving himself much more sensible than the beefy and practical one.

'E fought the War right along, an' 'e's still fightin' it. 'E's a anti-militant, 'e ses. 'Anti-militarist, Jem corrected. He had taken some pains himself in the old days to get the word itself and some of its meaning right. 'Anti-military-ist then, said Beefy. 'Any'ow, 'e stuck out agin all sorts o' soldierin'. This stoppin' the Society benefits was a trump card too.

B. and I were conversing merrily apropos the God-sent miracle of our escape from Vingt-et-Un, when a benign-faced personage of about fifty with sparse greyish hair and a Benjamin Franklin expression appeared on the other side of the fence, from the direction of the door through which I had passed after bumping the beefy bull.

The joke was too good to keep to himself, and he passed it to Beefy next time he came near. Beefy saw the jest clearly and guffawed aloud, to the amazement of a clay-daubed infantryman who had had nothing in his mind but thoughts of death and loading and firing his rifle for hours past. 'Don't wonder Ben's agin conscription, said Beefy; 'they might conscription 'im, and passed on grinning.

"Well, sir," concluded Olphert, "we left old Beefy Smith hanging on to his hand, and this gentleman with him, so perhaps he can tell us what happened next?" "I wish I could," I cried with all their eyes upon me, for I had had time to think. "Some of you must have heard me say I'd fetch my friend in from the road?" "Yes, I did," piped an innocent from within.

He went from what might be described as almost a belief in Christian Science to almost a belief that a devil ruled the world, a Gargantuan Brobdingnagian Mountebank, who plotted tragedy for all ideals and rejoiced in swine and dullards and a grunting, sweating, beefy immorality.