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Exactly as before, he summoned me to his room, a week later; exactly in the same voice he asked me to read: 'Si vous le voulez bien, les observations sur l'histoire de France de Mably, a la page 74... la ou nous avons ete interrompus. And he had not even had my mother's portrait moved!

Infinite darkness above and beyond; but the lantern-beams danced far out over an unbroken circle of heaving and swirling black water. Stealthily, swiftly, the measureless sea-flood was rising. "Messieurs mesdames, ce n'est rien. Nothing serious, ladies, I assure you ... Mais nous en avons vu bien souvent, les inondations comme celle-ci; ca passe vite!

Si cet etat de choses doit perseverer, ne parlons plus de l'inquisition, nous en avons perdu le droit, car la liberte des cultes n'est que dans les decrets, et la persecution tiraille toute la France. James?" "In Turkey the liberty of worship is admitted, though it does not exist in France.

Of course you know Napoleon's estimate of Mezzofante; he sent for the linguist from motives of curiosity, and after some discourse with him, told him that he might depart; then turning to some of his generals he observed, "Nous avons eu ici un exemple qu'un homme peut avoir beaucoup de paroles avec bien pen d'esprit."

In the shelter of a doorway stood a group of territorials, getting their first real news of the battle from a Paris newspaper. I heard "Nous avons reculé huit kilomètres le général Pétain " A motor-lorry drowned out the rest. That night we were given orders to be ready to evacuate the château in case the Boches advanced.

So for a room apart and for ordering dinner, and for putting out the other travellers, they'll charge you a price unheard of even in the capital...." But he was in distress, in real distress. "Assez, mon enfant, I beseech you, nous avons notre argent et apres, le bon Dieu.

He nodded to a friendly gendarme, and crossed the street to avoid a frolicksome party of students, who were bawling at the top of their voices the chorus of the latest topical song by Paulus, the Beranger of the day "Nous en avons pour tous les gouts." Victor Nevill heard the refrain as he left the brasserie and looked warily about.

Apres avoir vivement cause a table, nous avons longuement cause au salon; et nous nous separions le soir a Trafalgar Square, apres avoir longe les trotters, stationne aux coins des rues et deux fois rebrousse chemie en nous reconduisant l'un l'autre. Il etait pres d'une heure du matin!

A little boy came up at this moment and looked in upon them. This child was one of the Coggans, who, with the Smallburys, were as common among the families of this district as the Avons and Derwents among our rivers.

He has filled them with a wonderful irresponsible wisdom, condensing into single phrases the ridiculousness of generations: 'Nous avons changé tout cela. 'Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère? 'Vous êtes orfèvre, Monsieur Josse. So effectually has he contrived to embalm in the spice of his humour even the momentary affectations of his own time that they have come down to us fresh as when they first appeared, and the Précieuses Ridicules a skit upon the manners and modes of speech affected by the fops of 1650 still raises to-day our inextinguishable laughter.