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As we were going out, the landlady, getting on towards eighty, with a bookish nose, pale blue eyes and a Giovanni Bellini's Loredano Loredani kind of expression, came up to us and said, in sweetly apologetic accents: "Avez-vous donc dejeune a peu pres selon vos idees, Messieurs?"

We stopped at the first cafe we came to and entered. An old woman seated us at a table and waited for orders. The doctor said: "Avez-vous du vin?" The dame looked perplexed. The doctor said again, with elaborate distinctness of articulation: "Avez-vous du vin!" The dame looked more perplexed than before. I said: "Doctor, there is a flaw in your pronunciation somewhere. Let me try her.

"Marchand-Epicier," wrote the bureau-keeper. "Quel age avez-vous, Monsieur? How old you are, sare?" "Two pound twelve," replied Mr. Jorrocks, surprised at his inquisitiveness. "No, sare, not vot monnay you have, sare, hot old you are, sare." "Well, two pound twelve, fifty-two in fact." Mr.

Cela doit etre un fils de preetre. Il a de la race. Avez-vous de la petite monnaie? The Frenchman found some small change and gave twenty kopeks to each of the pilgrims. 'Mais dites-leur que ce n'est pas pour les cierges que je leur donne, mais pour qu'ils se regalent de the. Chay, chay pour vous, mon vieux! he said with a smile. And he patted Kasatsky on the shoulder with his gloved hand.

Looking the old woman in the eye, he steadily articulated: "Avez-vous du fromage, Madame?" It was almost inspiration to add the last word, he thought; and when it worked, he was as much startled as if his revolver had gone off in his belt. "Du fromage?" the shop woman screamed.

"Avez-vous lu les Greville Memoirs?" demandait quelqu'un

La poussee, or, as this book poetically calls it, "that daughter of the waters of Loeche," "that eruption of which we have already spoken, and which proves the action of the baths upon the skin," becomes the object, and often the end, of all conversation. And it gives specimens of this pleasant converse, as: "Comment va votre poussee?" "Avez-vous la poussee?" "Je suis en pleine poussee"

She had never been to England but she had heard of "Hyde Park." Did I know it? She received my assurance with obvious gratification as though it established a personal intimacy between us. "Avez-vous tué des Allemands?" My negative answer left her disappointed but hopeful. "La guerre, quand finira-t-elle?" interjected the bonne, who, I afterwards found, had a husband at the war.

So delicate were her proportions, so bright her hair, and so compelling the charm that floated round her, that Delorme, dropping his cigarette, hastily put up his eyeglasses, and fell into his native tongue. "Sapristi! quelle petite fée avez-vous l

Down on the quay there were no custom-house officers to inspect the baggage of the few travellers who had come across the Channel and now landed on the deserted siding, bewildered because there were no porters to clamour for their trunks and no douane to utter the familiar ritual of "Avez-vous quelque-chose a declarer? Tabac? Cigarettes?"