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The leader of the Wolf Patrol laughed when he heard Lil Artha make this remark. "Every word that you are saying, Lil Artha, is the truth," he announced. "I've been watching those ragged edges of bushes myself. You see, the time might come after a while when I'd get mixed on the directions given by Johnny Spreen. Then I'd want to have some other scheme so as to find my way."

"It would be too bad, now," said Ted, "if they managed to haul both of them up before we could get Hen in hand, and hear hith thory of what happened." "That's a fact," added Lil Artha. "We know the Chief, and that he'd take Hen back to town just like he was a real criminal.

"After all that row," suggested Lil Artha, "it might be they thought we'd give a quick chase, and they couldn't afford to take any more chances. So as a boat'd come in handy for them they gobbled it." "Anybody'd pick the best in the bunch, come to that," added wise Toby.

The man told the scouts to take a lesson from his blasted career, though they hardly knew whether he really meant it or, as Lil Artha was constrained to say, was "talking through his hat." The fire was kept burning, and fed with more or less green wood in the hope and expectation that the black smoke thus generated might draw the tracking posse to the scene the more rapidly.

"Lil Artha, we're depending on you for that information," suggested Elmer, although it could not be doubted that he himself was able to give a pretty good answer, for he had observed certain signs as well as the tall scout.

"No personal remarks, please, Lil Artha," said Landy; "I know my nose isn't as prominent as yours, and some others in the crowd, but it answers my purpose all right, and I'm not ashamed of it." "Well, now we know where we're at," remarked Ted, with a satisfied air, as though it might be a maxim with him to always start right.

We've got to pass pretty much under some part of that tree, understand?" Acting on Elmer's initiative, Lil Artha now also picked up his gun, and started to keep a sharp watch. As Toby had truly said, they could not really continue on their way without passing under the wide-stretching branches of the tree where he claimed to have seen "something that looked like a wildcat."

He knew very well that the shrewd farmer wanted to make use of them in order to protect his property; but it served Elmer's purpose just as well to readily agree to the proposition. As for Lil Artha, his eyes were almost popping out of his head with suspense; he was also licking his lips after the manner of a hungry dog when scenting a bone. "We'll stop over with you then, Mr.

"Correct for you, Lil Artha, for that's what happened," Elmer acknowledged. "Is it a knife, Elmer?" continued the tall scout. "Once more you hit it," said the other; "and Landy, since you say you've been going more or less with Hen lately, perhaps you'd be apt to know his knife if you happened to set eyes on it?" "To be sure I would, Elmer." "You've handled it then, have you?"

All the three, viz., Dharma, and Artha and Sree, were established in sovereignty. A person upon the exhaustion of his merit, comes down from heaven to earth, and takes birth as a king conversant with the science of chastisement. Such a person becomes endued with greatness and is really a portion of Vishnu on earth. He becomes possessed of great intelligence and obtains superiority over others.