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Then she turned swiftly and called to Harry, who came running over to her only to meet with some trivial request, and a minute later the arriero announced dinner. I suppose that the incident had passed with her, as it had with me; little did I know how deeply I had wounded her.

Abbott did not get all of this because of the Gargantuan roar that swept through the window, but he gravely tilted his head, then took the proffered ear-trumpet: "You are right," he said, "I hear something." "It's the street fair," she announced triumphantly. "But sometimes it's louder.

Alderman Thompson said he anticipated the decision that it could not be announced in more proper terms. There would be disappointment undoubtedly, but he thought people in general would be satisfied with the reasons. He was almost in tears, and indeed all were much affected the cause of the measure being the apprehended danger to the Duke.

Her accomplishments were announced to be even superior to her beauty; and governesses used to shame their idle pupils by telling them what Princess Angelica could do. She could play the most difficult pieces of music at sight. She could answer any one of Mangnall's Questions. She knew every date in the history of Paflagonia, and every other country.

You know you can't do anything." Bud Haines turned his face toward the speaker and grinned broadly, to the Senator's intense discomfort. "I'll do more than that," announced Langdon, rising and pounding a fist into his open hand. "I'll make you and Stevens more popular than you ever were in your lives before." "Bah!" shouted Peabody. "I'll do even more yet. I'm going to make you generous patriots.

On other occasions, such as launches of ironclad war vessels, the expected presence of the Emperor and Empress was announced in the newspapers. It was easy enough to calculate the route and the hour, if one wished to see them. I frequently made such calculations, in town and country, and, stranger though I was, I never made a mistake.

Landing at London, he had hurried on with a mind full of care, for he had heard no word from Hampshire since the short note which had announced his brother's death. "By the rood!" cried John, looking around him exultantly, "where have we seen since we left such noble cows, such fleecy sheep, grass so green, or a man so drunk as yonder rogue who lies in the gap of the hedge?"

Hastings supposed he was alluding to the miracle of his keeping his balance, and said nothing. "I'm goin' to bed," he announced, "poor ole Clifford's goin' to bed, an' that's er miracle!" And he did with a nice calculation of distance and equilibrium which would have rung enthusiastic yells of applause from Elliott had he been there to assist en connaisseur. But he was not.

He announced that a plan would be presented by the Secretary of the Treasury, to which he had been able to give only a hasty examination. The scheme for expanding the silver coinage which the Secretary, William Windom, presented was not acceptable to Congress, but the result of the agitation was the law generally known as the Sherman silver purchase act, which was passed on July 14, 1890.

"You men must do everything to get your muscles up to concert pitch," Captain Prescott announced. "No lady-like thrusts will ever push a bayonet into a German's face. A ton of weight is needed behind every bayonet thrust or jab!" An orderly approached, saluting. "Compliments of the commanding officer, sir, and he will see the captain in his office at regimental headquarters, sir."