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You and she are both welcome on my mountain. It is the man-beast I do not trust. His kind are treacherous and unpredictable, and they carry with them the fire that kills. Akar- But he is not like them, Master. He is an outcast, like myself, and worthy of trust. To him also, and more deeply, I am indebted for my life. Skither- It seems you owe your life many times, my friend.

'In comfort and in peace. I feel a little stronger, but I will do nothing foolish. I must tend the tiger's wounds, and if Akar returns with meat, feed us both. Then you and I will sleep together. I love you. Be well in your heart. He shook off all emotions of weakness and sorrow, and set out to do what must be done. Akar returned a short time later.

In this way he bought time for Kamela, holding off the death clash as long as he could. But soon, as he knew he would, Akar began to tire. His lunges at the legs and ribs of his opponent had done little damage, while the constant pounding on his own neck and chest had begun to take its toll. Rising together yet again he remained there, suspended, and aimed for the throat.

Here sun by day and star by night were free both to see and be seen by the descendants of a race as old as conscious thought upon the Earth. It is a fitting place to die, thought Akar solemnly.

He also wore thongs about his neck and wrists, a sharpened clamshell hanging from the former, the strands dangling loose in the case of the latter. Decorative in appearance, they were in fact purely practical, serving many purposes as need arose. He also wore the buckskin pouch, along with a drinking skin from which he rationed water for the two of them, Akar being free to pursue it as he might.

Slowly they kept fighting and Akar was losing strength and it seemed to him that the world became a blur of yellow teeth and he was caught in a circle of foes whose names he had forgotten, and it was like a dizzying whirlpool or being caught in a ring of fire with the heat and smoke choking him and all he could do was fight back against the one who kept attacking him.

He checked it for balance, found the best grips, tested the grain and strength of the wood by leaning it heavily against the ground. 'Good. He faced the wolf. Shall we hunt together? Akar raised up and gestured toward the entrance. Sylviana, on an impulse: 'Can I go with you? This place is beginning to get to me. Sometimes it was better to confront ones fears..... His answer surprised her.

They stayed there by the entrance a while longer, then went together to the bed. Akar ate solemnly, without pleasure, then returned to the isolated hell of his thoughts. Morning came softly by the riverbed, with a cool northeastern breeze that rustled the changing willow leaves and sent long waves of golden brown across a gentle sea of grass: the Savanna.

Why can't you just leave each other alone? Akar had not understood the words, but their meaning was clear enough. Putting away his pride, he stepped slowly and deliberately toward the man-child's unmoving form. Coming closer he drew a line in the dirt just in front of him, signaling his desire for a truce.

It took constant adjustments in the mix and in her technique just to find a half workable formula. Her hands were cold and ragged and pricked by countless needles, and there was no one to encourage her or appreciate the effort. Kalus was oblivious, in sleep or in waking, and Akar was off somewhere alone. The pup followed her with its eyes and occasionally whimpered for food. That was all.