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'It's good to hear you say that, Kalus, it really is. There's only one thing wrong with that whole line of reasoning. 'What's that? 'Don't misunderstand me. I feel for the tiger, too, and I want him to survive. But how can you possibly feed him and us too? He must eat more than the three of us put together. Akar was right in that, at least.

There was no other way to read the blank despair of her eyes. Akar rested stoically beside the girl, his own thoughts hidden from view. Only the pup was stirring, poking impatiently at her mother's underside and whining plaintively for food. None had eaten meat for several days, and the she-wolf's undamaged breasts were dry.

But for the Voice, and later, for Akar..... I nearly lost my mind with fear and loneliness. She suddenly realized the wolf was no longer with them, and that full night was falling. She let her thoughts collapse. Kalus could not hold himself back any longer. 'You're not alone anymore. Her eyes sought out his, but they were hidden among the deepening shadows of the nook.

There is another kind of indigo, called in Sumatra tarum akar, which appears to be peculiar to that country, and was totally unknown to botanists to whom I showed the leaves upon my return to England in the beginning of the year 1780. The common kind is known to have small pinnated leaves growing on stalks imperfectly ligneous.

He wanted to choose the right words. He exchanged simple greetings with the wolf, nodding passively at Kalus. He addressed Akar first, and after several minutes the wolf nodded his understanding and moved to wait at a far corner of the ledge, without giving any indication what the answer had been. Turning his attention to Kalus, the Mantis signaled his words slowly and carefully.

'What will happen to the wolf? He started to answer gruffly, but seeing her anguish, mellowed his tone. 'He will be all right, he said. 'Akar knows the ways of escape like no other..... The spider has the mind of an ant. He is not in danger. Though he had stretched the truth, he hoped she would believe him.

Still, it is hard to feel sorrow for one who could so easily and thoughtlessly take my life. But perhaps that is the way of things. To the wolves 'Oh my God. Kalus. What will happen to him now? 'Sylviana, he answered coldly. 'Not only do you know nothing of the ways of this land, but your eyesight is poor as well. If Akar was still in the cave -he is not -there would be no danger.

Without further speech Kalus seated himself just inside the entrance, watching her wistfully as she drifted off into sleep, protected from outside danger by his own life, and by the pervasive and all-encompassing presence of the Mantis. Akar entered soundlessly just before dawn, the rabbit clenched securely in his teeth.

His mind filled with such thoughts, he was easily startled by the sound of padded footfalls behind him. Whirling about he saw that it was only Akar, and that this time there was no danger. His belly glutted with the fresh meat of a recent kill, he now followed the man-beast more out of curiosity than anything else.

Akar looked down on them with compassion, for their dilemma had been his before them: whether to serve a hated leader, or to make noble but vain rebellion against him. The hackles of the guard were raised, and there was scarcely contained rage in their throats. Shar-hai addressed the wolf. 'You have issued your challenge, small one.