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'The sword..... He passed her and reentered their tiny island of space, emerged with the sword, unsheathed. Its well-preserved edges looked sharp in the sunlight. 'Be careful, she said. 'I am always careful. Akar will come with me. He took a lock of her hair in his fingers, and would have kissed her if he knew how. He whistled for the wolf and started down. 'Kalus? He turned.

He jerked forward in dismay, expecting to be assailed. But the call to life had come from Akar, who stood guarding him quietly in the darkness, stood waiting for him to revive, stand, and make the final effort. Kalus raised himself slowly, let out a groan of pain and loss, then followed him up the merciless incline. At length a door was opened in front of him and a feverish light streamed out.

Once down on the ledge, the two communicated in a way known only to themselves: Akar through a series of short barks and body movements, the Mantis through subtle movements of his antennae, foreclaws and upper body. Kalus could only guess at their meaning. Roughly translated, this is what passed between them. Was it you then that snuck from my cave like a thief in the night?

I will circle the mountain twice, giving credence to your sound-making device. Beyond that you are on your own. I will give Akar the rest of my thoughts. He stands in my place while I am gone. Heed him well, I do not place my trust in him lightly..... Do you hear my words? 'Yes, master. I am grateful. He wanted badly to leave, but the Mantis' knowing gaze would not release him.

Akar stood submissively to one side, allowing the Monarch an unobstructed view. After studying the three closely, he gestured for the wolf to follow him to the broad ledge outside the larger cave. Akar obeyed unquestioningly, snaking his way carefully down the sharp incline.

As she forced open the door against the onslaught of snow-laced wind, she slid down, shivering in the cold and wet. Akar slipped past her. When at last she recovered herself and rose and closed the door, she leaned back against it to face him, her emotions strained to the limit. When she saw what he carried she knelt down and embraced him and wept.

Indeed, thought the girl, even a creature that did not know the massive killer from which it emanated, would be sure to stay far clear of the place from which the sound had come. The Mantis rested for a short time, then repeated its territorial warning. Akar returned out of the larger cave as Skither's breathing became normal once more.

But from things I have learned, and from things I knew before, I think I can tell you this much. He shifted positions, trying to lessen the discomfort in the small of his back. 'For Kamela, I believe her tragedy was two-fold. First, if I read the signs right -I knew something of the pack before the coming of the Changed One -I believe that Akar was her first love.

And he was ready to quit when he remembered Kamela, and knew that he must fight a while longer. Then sensing his weakness, Shar-hai reached a foreleg across him as they rose, and with all his weight and strength crushed him to the ground against a jutting stone. Akar gave a short yelp of pain as he landed and something in his shoulder gave way. And he knew he could rise no more.

I also knew of this killer. He moved a hand toward the ground, toward the still figure of the marauder who had ended Shama's life. 'When I saw the wolf among us in the cave, I forgot all reasons..... But I should not want to kill Akar. I should not reward your courage with banishment. I am sorry, Carnivore. I am sorry. I grow old, and afraid of dying. And he covered his face with his hands.