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I smoked wellnigh a hundred pipes on it afore I got it settled, but 'tis settled, and when I settle a thing I don't go botherin' back about it. But like enough 'twon't satisfy you." "At any rate, I should like to hear your conclusion." "Well, I argued it out to myself.

I therefore missed the sight of the glistening houses, and had to console myself with that of the beacon in the bay, as well as with a bouillon of which I partook at the buffet afore- said; for, since the morning, I had not ventured to return to the table d'hote at Narbonne.

It's jest that thought as may make 'em attack." "Well, we can beat them off, if they do," Harold said confidently. "Waal, we may and we may not," the scout answered. "Anyhow we can kill a grist of 'em afore they turn us out on this 'ere island." "That's sartin enough," Pearson put in; "but they're a strong tribe, and ef they can harden their hearts and make a rush it's all up with us.

If I was you I'd quit afore I went any further. Land knows where you might fetch up if you kept on! I . . . Mercy on us! who's at the kitchen door this time in the mornin'?" Her husband, ever curious, was on his way to answer the knock already. He came back, a moment later, sputtering with excitement. "It's that Mr. butler, the Johnson over to Mr. Colton's," he whispered.

Peggotty began, as he raised his eyes to ours, 'to my lodging, wheer I have a long time been expecting of her and preparing fur her. It was hours afore she knowed me right; and when she did, she kneeled down at my feet, and kiender said to me, as if it was her prayers, how it all come to be.

I'm awk'ard and strange, ma'am I never was from home afore. Mrs. Carv. Poor girl we shall agree very well, I hope. Honor. Oh yes, any thing at all, ma'am; I'm not greedy nor needy, thanks above! but it's what I'd wish to be under your protection if it was plasing, and I'll do my very best, madam. Mrs. Carv.

The silence deepened, the breathing grew heavier, and we two stood together looking down upon her face. Robin's was by his mother's. Suddenly her eyes opened wide, fastening themselves upon her son. "I'll sune win hame," she murmured gladly, "an' I want ye to say yir bit prayer to me, Robin, afore I gang, the way ye did when ye were a bairnie.

'I should recommend you to swallow a little fire every day, about an hour afore dinner, brother, said Dennis, after a pause. 'It seems to agree with you, and to stimulate your appetite. Hugh looked at him, and at the blackened faces by which he was surrounded, and, stopping for a moment to flourish his knife above his head, answered with a roar of laughter.

"The talking sailor explained, 'In course, he has been to sea afore this, and weathered many a gale. But so has the cook. That don't make a man a sailor. You ask him how to send down a to'-gallant yard or gammon a bowsprit, or even mark a lead line, and he'll stare at ye like Old Nick, when the angel caught him with the red-hot tongs, and questioned him out of the Church Catechism.

Then Jack of the Smithies cut things short. "Off's the word," he said, "if ever I expects to see home afore daylight. All of these moors is known to me, and many's the time I have tracked them all in sleep, when the round world was betwixt us. But without any moon it is hard to do 'em waking; and the loss of my arm sends me crooked in the dark. And as for young folk, they be all abroad to once.