United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Chum obeyed, but with evident uneasiness. His odd surroundings were getting on the collie's nerves. Link bent over him, under pretense of giving him a farewell rub with the brush. "It's all right, Chummie!" he crooned soothingly. "It's all RIGHT! I'm here. An' nobody's goin' to bother you none. You're a-helpin' me win that hundred.

And the female figgers around Columbia's throne wuz meant for Science, Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, Music, Drama, Paintin', and Literature, all on 'em a-helpin' Columbia along in her grand pathway. And then I see that what I had hearn wuz true, that Columbia had jest discovered Woman. Yes, the boat wuz headed directly towards Woman, who stood up one hundred feet high in front.

But the Basins, though so low, were modest. "Can't one of the Basins start, 'He will carry you through'?" said the enduring Brother Skates; "where is Vesty?" "She 's a-helpin' Elvine with her baby," came now a prompt and ready reply: "she said she'd come along for social meetin', after you'd had Sunday-school, ef she could." "How is Elvine's baby?" spoke up another voice.

There's Tom Hiers a-helpin' her out of the boat; and did you see the look she gin Moses Pennel as she went by him? Wal', Moses has got Mara on his arm anyhow; there's a gal worth six-and-twenty of the other. Do see them ribbins and scarfs, and the furbelows, and the way that ar Sally Kittridge handles her eyes. She's one that one feller ain't never enough for."

And you mus' tell me a story, you mus', 'cause I'm a-helpin' Aunt Cheerie, I am." For you must know that the Small Chick is not very polite, and doesn't say "please," when she can help it. "Lend us a hand at the apples, too," said Aunt Cheerie. "No, I can't tell stories and pare apples, too."

Don't tell ME, s'I; there WUZ help, s'I; 'n' ther' wuz a PLENTY help, too, s'I; ther's ben a DOZEN a-helpin' that nigger, 'n' I lay I'd skin every last nigger on this place but I'D find out who done it, s'I; 'n' moreover, s'I " "A DOZEN says you! FORTY couldn't a done every thing that's been done.

Yass, SAH! dey's ten o' dese hyah vergims dar, five of 'em sleepin' an' five of 'em watchin', an' a-takin' tuhns at hit, an' mebby dat how-come free or fouah dey bes' young colo'hed mens been projickin' aroun' dar all arternoon, a-helpin' dem dat's a-waitin' twell de bridegroom COM eth!"

"Let him go," begged Joel, just as much distressed; "he won't touch the bag, I don't believe, again, Candace." "Oh, I won't, I won't," promised Van wildly. "I don't want the bag; do let me go, Candace." "Yer see, Mas'r Joel was a-helpin' me," said Candace, slowly releasing Van's jacket collar, "an' 'twarn't none 'o his fault dat he stopped kerryin' de letters."

You-all are the gal with that there no-'count name, an' you've come ter work for him, there," she pointed to Brian, "a-helpin' him ter write his book, what ain't his'n no more, nohow, 'cause he done throwed hit away, plumb inter the river." "I am Miss Williams," returned the other. "My 'no-'count name, I suppose, is Betty Jo." She laughed kindly.

"Andy was a-helpin' 'em," declared one of the group, as though that fact might constitute a crime in his eyes. "'Course; what more could ye expect arter the way he got us to go out with him to cover up that hole again? Andy's got religion, I reckon; leastways he ain't the same kind o' a feller he was," declared Pet.