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Of the entire sum of $271,017.23 paid by Phelps, Dodge and Company to compromise the suit, Chester A. Arthur, then Collector of, the Port, later President of the United States, received $21,906.01 as official fees; the Naval Officer and the Surveyor of the Port each were paid the same sum by the Government, and Jayne received $65,718.03 as his percentage as informer.

H. A. Washington, "Writings of Thomas Jefferson," Vol. V, p. 474; "Madison's Writings," Vol. II, pp. 220, 225. "Letters and Despatches of Castlereagh," Vol. VII, p. 314 ff. See Watson, "Spanish and Portuguese South America." 2 Vols. London, 1884, Vol. II, p. 271 ff. See "Letters and Despatches of Castlereagh," Vol. VII, p. 316 ff. Romero, "Mexico and the United States," Putnam, 1898, p. 287.

To have more than 130,000 men write their names and addresses on a petition and the circulator see them do it and swear that she did was no light task but it was accomplished. On July 30 petitions bearing 131,271 names were filed with the Secretary of State.

See Mitchell's Three Expeditions, vol. ii. p. 271. In Western Australia, Captain Grey, having galloped after some wild cattle which he had met in his journey, found, upon wishing to ascertain the hour, that his watch had fallen from his pocket during the chase. He waited until the rest of his party came up, and then requested Kaiber, their native guide, to walk back and find the watch.

The public lands disposed of during the year amount to 13,453,887.96 acres, including 62,423.09 acres of Indian lands, an increase Of 4,271,474.80 over the preceding year. The total receipts from the sale of public lands during the fiscal year were $4,379,758.10, an increase of $1,309,620.76 over the preceding year.

Bartsch, vol. i. p. 271; "Early Trav.," p. 138. In this last case it is a man who is to be saved by a kiss from a woman while he is in serpent form. Niederhöffer, vol. i. pp. 58, 168, vol. ii. p. 235; Meier, pp. 6, 31, 321; Kuhn und Schwartz, pp. 9, 201; Baring-Gould, p. 223, citing Kornemann, "Mons Veneris," and Prætorius, "Weltbeschreibung"; Jahn, p. 220; Rappold, p. 135.

'That eagle's fate and mine are one, Which on the shaft that made him die, Espy'd a feather of his own, Wherewith he wont to soar so high. Epistle to a Lady. Anderson's Poets, v. 480. See ante, iii. 271.

When the dictatorship came to an end the new government finally published Regulation 271 on April 30th 1976, which made the 1972 law fully operative."

Pope calls it 'a marvellous line, and thus introduces it in The Dunciad, first edition, iii. 271: 'For works like these let deathless Journals tell, "None but thyself can be thy parallel." See post, Boswell's letter of Aug. 24, 1780, and Johnson's letter of Dec. 7, 1782. Boswell, on his way to Scotland, wrote to Temple from this house: 'I am now at Southill, to which place Mr.

Charlevoix says: "Il a ete forme du terme Hiro, ou Hero, qui signifie J'ai dit, et par lequel ces sauvages finissent tous leur discours, comme les Latins faisoient autrefois par leur Dixi; et de Koue, qui est un cri tantot de tristesse, lorsqu'on le prononce en trainant, et tantot de joye, quand on le prononce plus court." Hist. de la N. F., I. 271.