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Updated: November 13, 2024

This appliance, which is 0.01 meter in thickness and 0.02 meter in width in the back, is made very cheaply by machinery. The weight of the accumulator bears entirely upon the back of the combs, which are all placed back downward, and the number of which varies according to the size of the plates.

The Alabama was now bound for the Cape of Good Hope, where her faithful tender, the Agrippina, was again to meet her. On the 27th of June, however, when in lat. 20.01 S., long. 28.29 W., it was discovered that a great portion of the supposed month's supply of bread had been destroyed by weevils, and that there was not enough left for the run.

Let us assume that the Act authorising the new system is passed during a year, which may be called '00, and that it is to come into force on the 1st January of the year '01.

"Go it," said Adair; and two minutes after Barclay had let himself out of the forward door of the "01," the train took a sudden start and darted ahead at full speed. This bit of diplomacy on the part of Adair saved two full hours in the run to Saint's Rest.

A. Multiply the centrifugal force in terms of the weight of the body by the diameter of the circle in feet, and multiply the square root of the product by 4.01; the result will be the velocity of the body in feet per second. Q. Will you illustrate this by finding the velocity at which the cast iron rim of a fly-wheel 10 feet in diameter would burst asunder by its centrifugal force?

Ordinary samples are not sufficiently accurate to allow the use of this method. The methods of reducing with iron and titrating this with chromate of potassa, etc., have given a constant average of from 98.60-99.01. These results are fair, but hard to obtain expeditiously.

Of ferromanganese and other very manganiferous substances, in which the manganese need not be determined with greater exactness than to 0.1 per cent., only 0.01 gram. is taken for a test; but of common pig, wrought iron, steel, iron ore, slags, etc., there is taken 0.5 to 1 gramme according to the supposed content of manganese and the desired exactness of the estimation.

Fatiko was in north latitude 3 degrees 01 minutes, and 165 miles from headquarters. Had I attempted to release some thousand slaves from the different stations, I should have required a large military force to have occupied those stations, and to have driven out the whole of the slave-hunters bodily.

"I'd like to know how they make tubes that'll stand that, Morey," said Arcot, pointing to an instrument that read .01 millisols. "They have tubes now, that would have wiped us out in minutes, seconds before this." The triple-ray snapped off. They were realigning it to hit the ship now, correcting for the shield.

If he could have seen the broad grins on the faces of his train crew when Dobson, the clerk, gave them the despatcher's order but at that moment he was lounging in Mr. North's easiest chair in the central compartment of the "01," reading for the twentieth time a crease-worn telegram. The telegram was from Alicia, and it was dated at Denver, three days gone.

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