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Updated: September 23, 2024

[Footnote 1: " tant qu'il n'y a coeur si dur, ni entendement d'homme qui n'y deust penser. 'Lasse, mon confort! m'amour et ma joye, que les Juifz ont faict mourir

Dame Rethoryke moder of eloquence Moost elegaunt moost pure and gloryous With lust delyte, blysse, honour and reverence Within her parlour fresshe and precyous Was set a quene, whose speche delycyous Her audytours gan to all Joye converte Eche worde of her myght ravysshe every herte.

Feelings of Madame de Maintenon. And of the Duc de Chartres. Of the Courtiers. Madame's Mode of Life. Character of Monsieur. Anecdote of M. le Prince. Strange Interview of Madame de Maintenon with Madame. Mourning at Court. Death of Henriette d'Angleterre. A Poisoning Scene. The King and the Accomplice. Scandalous Adventure of the Abbesse de la Joye. Anecdote of Madame de Saint-Herem.

I replied that I hoped so. Things turned out exactly as Joye forecast: about ten days later I met him on the grand staircase in Worsley Hall! He afterwards won the D.S.O. and Bar, Belgian Ordre de la Couronne and Belgian Croix de Guerre. On the evening of July 25 the 164 Brigade marched back from the Watou area to the camps behind Ypres; we went to Query Camp.

One day I delayed in order to see the famous poem in the old book in the town archives which I already knew from Mr Lucas's book. It is certainly of Henry VIII.'s time, and who could have written it but that unhappy Sir Thomas Wyatt who loved Anne Boleyn What greater gryffe may hape Trew lovers to anoye Then absente for to sepratte them From ther desiered joye?

And the Assistant-Adjutant met a similar fate: Gratton was, first of all, wounded and he lay in a shell-hole; and while he was in the shell-hole another shell came right into the hole and took his head clean off. Joye remained with Colonel Best-Dunkley until quite late in the day, when he got the 'Blighty' in the leg which was to send him to join me at Worsley Hall.

For the knight whom the poet finds thus silent and alone, is rehearsing to himself a lay, "a manner song," in these words: I have of sorrow so great wone, That joye get I never none, Now that I see my lady bright, Which I have loved with all my might, Is from me dead, and is agone. Alas! Death, what aileth thee That thou should'st not have taken me, When that thou took'st my lady sweet?

Chaucer tells us: "... There was no joye ne feste at alle; There n' as but hevinesse and mochel sorwe, For prively he wed her on the morwe, And all day after hid him as an owle, So wo was him his wife loked so foule!" When night came, and they were alone together, Sir Gawain could not conceal his aversion; and the lady asked him why he sighed so heavily, and turned away his face.

"There are some verses about the Iconium Pass, written out in our spotted book, but I can say some of them." "Oh, do!" "'The rock is steep, the gorge is deep, Mount Joye St. Denys; But King Louis bold his way doth hold, Mount Joye St. Denys. Ho ho, the ravine is 'narrow I ween, Lah billah el billah, hurrah. The hills near and far the Frank's way do bar, Lah billah el billah, hurrah.

The two bodies of cavalry met with a tremendous shock, raising their respective war-cries, "Denis Mount Joye!" and "St. George Guyenne!" Lances were shivered, and horses and men rolled over, but the German horse was borne down in every direction by the charge of the English chivalry. The Counts of Nassau and Saarbruck were taken, and the rest driven down the hill in utter confusion.

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