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And with this not very lucid statement of an undeniable fact, Cricket walked up the piazza steps and informed grandma of the state of affairs. Half an hour later Eunice appeared, driving a pair of depressed looking children before her, clad only in their little blue bathing-suits. She was hot and flushed, Zaidee cross and rebellious, and Helen tearful and subdued.

I'll run away, and then she'll be sorry. Let's jump on this little hay, Helen." But after a time the high ladder looked so very tempting, and it was such wild excitement to see the girls flying off that great, high beam, with shrieks of fun and laughter, that Zaidee tried the experiment again, of climbing up herself.

Let me give him a few drops of this, first," and she moistened the baby's lips with a few drops from a flask she had brought in her hand. When the little procession reached the hall door, Mrs. Bemis said: "Let me take care of him now, with Eliza, girls. You keep the twins amused out-of-doors," for Zaidee and Helen came creeping down the staircase, looking frightened to death.

Such glad bursts of welcome, such joyous laughter and absolute peans of delight. For Zaidee Crawford had come. She, Lilian, was not in it and she wondered if at any time or in any place there would be such unalloyed gladness at her coming. A girl of fifteen, bewilderingly pretty in the changes that passed over her mobile face.

"I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together to talk it out," she said; turning to her daughter, she added, "Jest you tell him all, Zaidee," and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared from the room. In spite of his professional experience, Starbottle was for a moment embarrassed. The young girl, however, broke the silence without looking up.

I'll holler," said Zaidee, with confidence, "and somebody will come. If only I could get boosted a little bit! Helen!" with a sudden inspiration, "you jump over here and I'll stand on your knee as I do on 'Liza's when she boosts me up into the apple-tree. Then I could climb right over." Helen hesitated. This plan did not strike her favourably. "Oh, Zaidee!

There were calls in the afternoon and Zaidee sat alone in her room leaning her chin on her hand and glancing out of the window. In a way she had been the family heroine. The twin sister who might have been so dear had been wrenched out of her life.

Miss Trenham rose and kissed the young girl tenderly, knowing that tears were very near the surface. After she had gone Lilian gave way to them. She had not the easily adaptive nature to go in her new home and take the best at once, though it had been held out with such winning tenderness. The beautiful face of Zaidee instead of adding a radiance seemed to shadow the path.

"Here's more nice white water, with pretty white stones floating on it," Zaidee cried, eagerly. She stretched down her hand to grasp some. She could just reach it, but to her surprise the "white stone" separated as she grasped it. "I can't pick it up," she cried, puzzled, as she tried again and again. "Let me see," begged Helen.

"Poor Zaidee! did she have to be scraped?" "'Liza said she guessed she would have to scrape her," admitted Cricket, reluctantly. "And the things on the bed, and her nightdress, had to be changed. I kept thinking it was pretty funny looking stuff for Pond's Extract, but I thought perhaps it was rancid." "Rancid Pond's Extract!