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A snig of the red blade severed the thong; and the Indian's body sliding down from the withers of the horse, fell with a dull dead sound upon the turf. "Here Americano!" cried the trapper, holding out the ensanguined knife to Wingrove; "take this weapon for want of a better. Let us on! See! the picaros are making off. Vamos! nos vamonos!"

The very thing I wished for! "`What? "`They are heading towards yonder rocks. He pointed to a clump of rocky boulders that lay isolated near one side of the plain `let us get there, comrade vamos! "We stole cautiously round the edge of the mountain until the rocks lay between us and the game; and then crouched forward and took our position among them.

Each piece is received with squeals, a grand rush and protracted squabbling, and finally the more audacious appear at the door. They peep in, throw us a flower and then scuttle away. One tiny beggar brings a small bouquet and puts it in my lap. The Baron gives her a media and says something about "vamos."

I dismounted from the pony, and delivering the bridle to the other guide, said, "Here is your master's horse, if you please you may load him down that abyss, but as for myself I wash my hands of the matter." The fellow, without a word of reply, vaulted into the saddle, and with a vamos, Perico! to the pony, impelled the creature to the descent.

"Vamos," he said briskly; "to the banquet...." He waved his hand towards the shining door and stood aside. We entered. The other man was undoubtedly the Nova Scotian mate of the Thames, the man who had dissuaded me from following Carlos on the day we sailed into Kingston Harbour.

But it was no time to indulge in contemplation of the picturesque, and of this we were constantly made aware by the anxious vociferations of the Mexicans. "Vamos!

The range-rider made a gesture of angry impatience. "You obey orders fine, don't you?" His face flashed sudden anger. "Get out. I know my plans, don't I? Pull your freight. Vamos!" "And you'll be along later, will you?" "Of course I will. I've got it all arranged. Hurry, or it will be too late." Ruth half guessed his purpose. She began to sob, but let herself be hurried away by Farrar.

DON EDUARDO. Pero usted le habrá respondido, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. Lo bastante para indicarle que esto es la mayor perfección que usted tiene a mis ojos. DON EDUARDO. Muchas gracias. DOÑA MATILDE. En seguida se ha ensangrentado con la familia de usted ... con su persona ... vamos, le aborrece a usted con sus cinco sentidos ... ¡ya ve usted si es injusticia!

Behind him, a few feet away, Cabenza was cleaning a rifle for his new master. "I wanta talk to you about something, Captain Holcomb," announced the film actor. The soldier looked at him steadily. "Go to it," he ordered curtly. "This is private business." Holcomb did not turn his head or raise his voice. "Pedro, vamos."

He rubbed his eyes, and rose up, and approached the bank, and dipped his hands in the water, and came back to his former place, and sat down again. Spite of all his efforts, however, he felt very heavy. Oh! when would the two hours pass that he might rouse Guapo? "Car-r-ambo! I nev-er was so s-s-sleepy. Vamos! Leon! you mustn't give in!"