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My study of the record of the man of Uz renders painfully patent that humiliating fact old as humanity that sanctity of motive is no coat-of-mail to the luckless few who bravely bear to the hearts of those with whom they associate the unwelcome burden of unflattering truths.

I 'uz a-sett'n' here kinder dozin' in de dark, en che-bang! goes a gun, right out dah.

Soon ez she done dat, wud went 'roun' fum de big house dat de nigger w'at call Miss Deely name on dat plantation would be clap on de cote-house block, en ole Miss she shot 'erse'f up, she did, en arter dat mighty few folks got a glimpse un 'er, 'ceppin' hit 'uz some er de kin, en bless yo' soul, dey hatter look mighty prim w'en dey come whar she wuz.

I never know'd what the all-overs wuz tell thes about a hour before me an' Teague wuz married. We 'uz thes about ready for to go an' face the preacher, when ma comes a-rushin' in an' she won't never be no paler when she's laid out than she wuz right that minnit.

Co'se he smell de grapes en see de vimes, an atter dahk de fus' thing he done wuz ter slip off ter de grapevimes 'dout sayin' nuffin ter nobody. Nex' mawnin' he tole some er de niggers 'bout de fine bait er scuppernon' he et de night befo'. "Wen dey tole 'im 'bout de goopher on de grapevimes, he 'uz dat tarrified dat he turn pale, en look des like he gwine ter die right in his tracks.

These children were born unto Shem: The book of Chronicles mentions four more, as Uz, and Hul, and Gether, Meshech, or Mash; but these were the natural sons of Aram, Shem being only their father's father.

"Begin at the beginning, 'cause I kinder forget how it starts." "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and eschewed evil." Tim snuggled down on Miss Arabella's rug, close to the stove, his chin in his hands, and stared up with eager, devouring eyes.

It 'uz de GRAN' MOGUL I 'uz chambermaid on her for eight seasons in de Cincinnati en Orleans trade. I slid 'long pas' don't see nobody stirrin' nowhah hear 'em a-hammerin' away in de engine room, den I knowed what de matter was some o' de machinery's broke. I got asho' below de boat and turn' de canoe loose, den I goes 'long up, en dey 'uz jes one plank out, en I step' 'board de boat.

"Lawd, Lawd, Sarindy wuz a moughty likely nigger," said Uncle Levi, proudly; "she warn' nuttin' but a fiel' han', but she 'uz a moughty likely nigger." "And did she die?" asked Betty, in a whisper. Uncle Levi rubbed his hands together, and shifted the brushwood upon his shoulder.

Sir Mungo, in the meanwhile, gazed on him with much earnestness; and, as the contemplation of natural advantages was as odious to him as that of wealth, or other adventitious benefits, he had no sooner completely perused the handsome form and good features of the young lord, than like one of the comforters of the man of Uz, he drew close up to him, to enlarge on the former grandeur of the Lords of Glenvarloch, and the regret with which he had heard, that their representative was not likely to possess the domains of his ancestry.