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I never know'd what the all-overs wuz tell thes about a hour before me an' Teague wuz married. We 'uz thes about ready for to go an' face the preacher, when ma comes a-rushin' in an' she won't never be no paler when she's laid out than she wuz right that minnit.

But it never give me the all-overs like it does now, some way. Guess I'll gether up a' armful o' wood, an' try to act unconcerned an' laws-a-mercy me! Ef to-day ain't been Christmas! My! my! my! An' it come an' gone befo' I remembered! I'll haf to lay this wood down ag'in an' think. I've had many a welcome Christmas gif' in my life, but the idee o' the good Lord a-timin' this like that!

'We are short to-night! cries the woman, with a propitiatory laugh. 'Short and snappish we are! But we're out of sorts for want of a smoke. We've got the all-overs, haven't us, deary? But this is the place to cure 'em in; this is the place where the all- overs is smoked off. 'You may make ready, then, replies the visitor, 'as soon as you like.

When a man is tired he likely will call it worried; if in a hurry, he is in a swivvet; if nervous, he has the all-overs; if declining in health, he is on the down-go. If he and his neighbor dislike each other, there is a hardness between them; if they quarrel, it is a ruction, a rippit, a jower, or an upscuddle so be it there are no fatalities which would amount to a real fray.

She looks lonesome, an' she's got one er them kinder fur-away looks in her eyes that gives me the all-overs." The Sphinx rubbed its snuff and swung in its rocking-chair. "Some days she looks holp up, an' then ag'in she looks cas' down. I 'low'd maybe you mought know what ailed her."