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"Not if I throw myself off the ladder." "You stop that talk, please," threatened Tilda. "It's wicked; an' besides, they 'aven't caught us yet. Do what I tell yer, an' stand by to bolt." She crept to the other door, which commanded the canal front, unbarred it softly, and opened the upper hatch a few inches. Through this aperture, by standing on tip-toe, she could watch the meeting of the two men.

And she would lie stiff and still, keeping her eyes tight shut. To-night she heard voices at the door and somebody else's feet going tip-toe behind Aunt Adeline's. Somebody else whispered "She's asleep." That was Jerrold. Jerrold. She felt him standing beside his mother, looking at her, and her eyelids fluttered; but she lay still. "She isn't asleep at all," said Aunt Adeline.

I see the Illustrated London News of several years ago, and I see a sweetmeat shop which the proprietor calls a "Salt Warehouse" with one small female child in a cotton bonnet looking in on tip-toe, oblivious of rain. And I see a watchmaker's with only three great pale watches of a dull metal hanging in his window, each in a separate pane.

Instead of coming quietly on tip-toe, as the brook had told him, he danced up, and the kingfisher heard him, and went off as before, whistling: "Weep, weep". Bevis stood on the brink and said: "Brook, Brook, what are you singing? You promised to tell me what you were saying." The brook did not answer, but went on singing.

The grocer was going about on tip-toe in honor of the day, and was serving the dirty little urchins with ceremonious bows. He was "throwing things in," and had quite forgotten his customary, "Here, you, don't forget that you still owe for two lots of tea and a quarter of coffee!" But he was cheating with the scales as usual. Marie was going about with rolled-up sleeves, and was very busy.

The choir was almost in darkness, but I could distinguish the six stars of the lighted candles. In front of the tabernacle was standing a large white shadowy form, almost motionless and like a phantom. At the bottom of the steps another form was kneeling, bowed down towards the floor; it did not stir as I approached. I went towards the choir on tip-toe, very cautiously.

He made no attempt to come up, but stood on the mat like a dog that has been forbidden the upper rooms. "Is it about your father?" he asked, in a hoarse whisper. "No!" He made a gesture commanding secrecy and silence. Then he went to close the kitchen door and returned on tip-toe. "It is," he explained, "that they are talking of him in the cafes. There are many to be arrested to-morrow.

Nelly had chosen a bedroom right at the top, whence she could look away over the London roofs to the mists that hid the country. The blinds were up and the cold winter moon lay on the girl's bed. The General came in tip-toe, trying to avoid creaking on the bare boards, which Nelly preferred to carpets. But his precaution was unnecessary. She was lying wide-awake.

"Sh!" whispered Madame Rousseau, putting a finger to her lips which in the light of the sun were singularly red and unstarved. "Sh!" echoed her husband. "Sh!" said Rouquin. On tip-toe they all advanced upon the heap, now resolved into a pile of pink blankets. Mr. Bingle leaned far over the heap. Then he put on his spectacles. "Where is it?" he whispered.

The high back of the old-fashioned arm-chair, in which Gabriel was sleeping, completely screened him from view; but the orphans, seeing their canine friend lying quietly at his feet, thought it was Dagobert reposing there, and hastened towards him on tip-toe.