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Edie, standing much at his ease by the side of the hole, contented himself with exhorting his associate to labour hard. "My certie! few ever wrought for siccan a day's wage; an it be but say the tenth part o' the size o' the kist, No. I., it will double its value, being filled wi' gowd instead of silver.

"Wheesht wheesht," he said, looking about uneasily, "siccan things are better never minted so close to the Parliament House where bide the Red Fifteen!" "Well," said I, "that's as may be, but I cannot have it said by you or any man that I lack spunk!"

"Ye maunna guid her siccan a sair gait, mither," said Cuddie, as they left the cell. "I doobt she has guided hersel' an uco' ill ane," retorted the dame. Faustina was left sitting on the side of the hard bed, weeping bitterly. She did not throw off her bonnet or cloak. She could not make herself at home in this wretched den.

And so, ae morning, siccan a fright as I got! Twa unlucky red-coats were up for black-fishing, or some siccan ploy for the neb o' them's never out o' mischief and they just got a glisk o' his Honour as he gaed into the wood, and banged aff a gun at him. I out like a jer-falcon, and cried "Wad they shoot an honest woman's poor innocent bairn?"

"Our neighbours hae taen a day at the Castleton to gree wi' him at the sight o' men," said Hobbie, mournfully; "they behoved to have it a' their ain gate, or there was nae help to be got at their hands." "To gree wi' him!" exclaimed both his brothers at once, "after siccan an act of stouthrife as hasna been heard o' in the country since the auld riding days!"

What was yon, Alton, laddie?" "What?" "But I saw a spunk o' fire fa' into your bosom! I've na faith in siccan heathen omens; but auld carlins wud say it's a sign o' death within the year save ye from it, my puir misguidit bairn! Aiblins a fire-flaught o' my een, it might be I've had them unco often, the day " And he stooped down to the fire, and began to light his pipe, muttering to himself

The minister met me next day when I was a' blue and yellow, and, says he, 'John Laverlaw, what have ye been daein'? Ye're a bonny sicht for Christian een. How do ye think a face like yours will look between a pair o' wings in the next warld? I ken I'm no bonny," added the explanatory Jock; "but ye canna expect a man to thole siccan language as that."

But I am not so sure about it now." "Tak ye nae thoucht anent it, Cosmo, my bairn," said the old woman, taking up the word; "it's no a hair ayont what he deserved 'at daured put sic a word to the best man in a' the country. By the han' o' a babe, as he did Goliah o' Gath, heth the Lord rebuked the enemy. The Lord himsel' 's upo' your side, laird, to gie ye siccan a brave son."

And so, ae morning, siccan a fright as I got! Twa unlucky red-coats were up for black-fishing, or some siccan ploy for the neb o' them's never out o' mischief and they just got a glisk o' his Honour as he gaed into the wood, and banged aff a gun at him, I out like a jer-falcon, and cried, "Wad they shoot an honest woman's poor innocent bairn?"

"My good woman," said the lawyer, "I was but using an ordinary word, in perfect ignorance of any " "Come na, nane o' that crooked talk! Mary Lyon is nae bit silly Jenny Wren to be whistled off the waa' wi' ony siccan talk. Dinna tell me that a lawvier body doesna ken what 'harbouring rogues and vagabonds' means the innocent lamb that he is and him reading the Courier every Wednesday!"