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Soon came a deft swing of the fishing rod and out on the grassy bank landed a lake pickerel of good size. "A pickerel!" cried Snap. "And a beauty." "That's better than my three perch," was Shep's comment. "Giant, you're the fisherman of this club and no mistake."

"The shep's a loadin' now, I tell you, and she oughter start on her v'yage in a fortnight's time at th' outside; and if you reckon as how we'll take a week to reach Cardiff, we'll ha' no time to lose, for, if the wind changes arter we rounds the Longships, we'll ha' all our work cut out to beat up the Bristol Channel, in time to see the lad comf'ably off!"

At home it might have been different, but when one is out in the woods, and doing one's own cooking -well, there is no use in finding fault, that's all. Whopper and Tommy listened with interest to what the others had to tell about the Spink crowd and about the midnight visitor. They laughed heartily over what had been done to the rowboat, and were serious over the loss of Shep's watch.

"Good-night to you both, and thank you both, a thousand times!" said she. "I wonder if old Shep's relations and friends," said Jim, as we stood under the arc light in front of my house, "ever came to forgive the people who took him away from his flocks and herds." "After what I've seen in the last few minutes," said I, "I haven't the least doubt of it."

With added caution his two chums followed. They tiptoed their way through the two rooms and back again. "He must have gone out," said Snap at last. "Shall I make a light?" And as the others assented he struck a match and lit the pocket lantern he had brought along. The rays of the small light revealed a curious scene to them. In a corner, where it had been hurled, lay Shep's gun.

"Wolves!" answered the leader of the club, laconically. "Get your guns!" The shot had caused the wolves to fall back a little, and taking advantage of this, Snap reloaded the empty barrel of his shotgun and stirred up the fire still more. Bang! went Shep's shotgun, and a wolf was taken directly in his throat. He turned to run away and then fell dead.

Shep's head disappeared, and Snap finished fixing the fire. Then he turned to the lake, where the boat with the most of the outfit had been left, tied to an overhanging tree. The craft with its contents was gone! Snap could scarcely believe the evidence of his senses. He pinched himself, to make certain that he was awake. It was true -the craft was nowhere in sight.

There was nothing more to say, and kicking out the fire, the young hunters told Kiddy Leech to follow them. He came slowly, and caught hold off Shep's arm to steady himself. His breath still smelt of liquor, something that disgusted both lads. The ice reached, Shep and Whopper cut a long bush and on it placed the deer. "What's that for?" asked Kiddy beech, in curiosity.

Now, how do you suppose those plants ever knew I was coming? I would give anything to know how such things can be." "How much would you give?" inquired Steve. For a moment, the spirit of this question hung in the balance. He felt the spell of her inquiring eyes as her hand dropped idly on Shep's back. "Why do you know?" she asked doubtfully. "I think I do," he answered.

Shep raised his shotgun to fire, but was afraid to do so for fear of hitting Whopper, who was trying to rise. "He'll be killed!" shrieked Giant, but just then Snap, using his rifle as a club, struck the mother deer in the side. The creature rolled over. Bang! went Giant's shotgun, and the report of Shep's firearm followed. The deer struggled for a moment, then gave a final kick and expired.