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'Tis dangerous there very dangerous, an' " His voice was lost in the roar of another explosion, not as loud or severe as the first, but more plainly felt by Tom and Ned, for they were nearer to it. "Now will you git back!" cried Policeman Cassidy, and the crowd did, without further urging. Tom started the runabout forward again. "We've got to rescue Mary!" he said to Ned, who nodded.

Herman Roessle, the paymaster of the Martindale-Kensington Mills, whose plant was on the Hudson, had gone that morning in his runabout to the nearest town, three miles away, for the monthly pay roll; had secured the money from the bank, a sum of twenty-odd thousand dollars; and had started back with it for the mill.

"You'll find her outside in my runabout," observed Cowperwood. "You may use that if you choose. I will send my man for it." "No, thank you; we'll walk," said Butler. Cowperwood called his servant to take charge of the vehicle, and Butler stalked solemnly out. He had to admit to himself that the influence of Cowperwood over his daughter was deadly, and probably permanent.

They were standing apart, alone, Hastings Weare having gone to the stables for the runabout. "Mr. Gaylord imagines he doesn't get along with the opposite sex," Austen replied, with just a shade of constraint. "Nonsense!" exclaimed Victoria; "we got along perfectly the other day when he rescued me from the bushes. What's the matter with him?" Austen laughed, and their eyes met.

She was soon back in her runabout, driving homeward fast as whip and voice could urge the horse. She thought she could reason out what McKinstra and the stage-driver would do. Mesa was twenty-five miles distant, the "Monte Cristo" mine seventeen. Nearer than these points there was no telephone station except the one at the Lee ranch.

On the bank of the Kensico Reservoir, he came upon a man who was acting in a mysterious and suspicious manner. He was making notes in a book, and his runabout which he had concealed in a wood road was stuffed with blue-prints. It did not take Jimmie long to guess his purpose. He was planning to blow up the Kensico dam, and cut off the water supply of New York City.

"Oh, what a mess," groaned Grace. "It will take an hour to go there and back. Oh, I must act quickly. Let me think. Mrs. Gray's coachman would drive me out, but those horses are so slow. Eleanor," she exclaimed, turning to the weeping girl, "is your runabout outside?" "Yes," sobbed Eleanor. "Then that settles it," cried Grace. "I will go after the things. Tell me where to find them.

"By George, I've got to play my cards carefully," thought Harry, as he contemplated the runabout. It was evident that he had designs on the health of the two-seater also. But he felt the necessity of subtlety in this case. He could not assassinate it boldly by tearing out a vital organ as he had done to the bigger car. This runabout must die a slow, lingering death. How was he to do it?

"Well, drink the juice! It's the same thing. But how is the electric runabout coming on?" "Pretty good." "Have you entered it in the races yet?" "No, but I've written for information. I have until September to finish it. The races take place then." "Let's see; they're on Long Island; aren't they? How do you calculate to do; run from here to there?"

This privilege, under the law, we could have denied him, but we were a little proud of the birds we had, and as we were well within the number we could have killed, we made no objection to his doing so. As a result of its speedy run the day before, the runabout had for some little time been running on a rim. We left its occupants, who disdained our help, putting on a new tire.