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Gae wa' wi' ye, man; mind ye, I'll no' say a word in yer favour, but raither the ither way whilk," smiled Mistress Skirving in the deep still way that she sometimes had in the midst of her liveliness, "whilk will maybe do ye mair guid. But I'm speakin' for my guid-man when I say that ye hae oor best guid-wull.

"How much?" demanded the clerk in surprise. "A hundred pound, young man," repeated Mrs Gaff, somewhat sternly, for she had made up her mind to go through with it come what might; "if ye have as much in the shop just now if not I'll take the half, and call back for the other half to-morry though it be raither a longish walk fro' Cove and back for a woman o' my size."

I wad raither clean my leddie's butes frae mornin' to nicht, nor be the son o' that wuman, gien she war a born duchess. Try me wi' something worth yer lordship's mou'." But the marquis seemed to think he had gone far enough for the present.

I've tried it, off an' on for the last six year, and alers stuck at the p'int or raither just before it, for I never got quite the length o' the p'int. But I've bin very near it, Reuben, more than once, uncommon near.

"And she's owerheard her father and me speakin' thegither as gin't had been only ae body thinkin'. For gin ever twa was ane, that twa and that ane is Andrew Constable and mysel'." "But what right had you to talk about my son?" "Weel, mem, that queston gangs raither far. What's already procleemed frae the hoose-taps may surely be spoken i' the ear in closets-�for oor back-room is but a closet.

"Thank'ee, lass," said the captain, as he set down the sea-chest and seated himself thereon; "they're pretty enough to look at, d'ye see, but they're raither in the way just now, as my second mate once said of the rocks when we were cruising off the coast of Norway in search of a pilot." The ornaments were, however, removed sooner than anyone had anticipated.

"That was from one o' the redskins, whose thigh I barked for sendin' an arrow raither close to my head," said the young man. "But," continued his bride, with increasing anxiety, "the shote an' the cry was long before you comes home. Pr'aps it bees Leetil Tim."

Well, she met me nigh every day 'xcept Sundays at that station, and as we'd a pretty long time there about five minutes we used to spend it beside the pump, an' made the most of it. But somehow I took it into my head that Molly was playin' fast an' loose with me, an' I was raither cool on her for a time.

What possessed ye, lass, to dee sic a thing?" She stood distressed, and made no answer. "Hoot, lassie, tell me!" insisted Peter; "I haena been an ill maister til ye, have I?" "Sir, ye hae been like the maister o' a' til me! But I canna that is, I maunna or raither, I'm determined no to explain the thing til onybody." "Thoucht ye my wife was feart the minister micht fa' in love wi ye?"

In the middle of the night, as Malcolm sat by his bed, thinking him asleep, the marquis spoke suddenly. "You must go to Aberdeen tomorrow, Malcolm," he said. "Verra weel, my lord." "And bring Mr Glennie, the lawyer, back with you." "Yes, my lord." "Go to bed then." "I wad raither bide, my lord. I cudna sleep a wink for wantin' to be back aside ye."