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"You wanted me to do that at a house that was empty and where there wasn't any 'phone; I could tell because there weren't any wires. Do you think scouts can't see things? You just want to get rid of me, that's all. You want to get rid of me where there aren't any 'phones or people or anything. Gee, maybe I'm not as strong as you, but anyway I know what you're up to, that's one sure thing."

Milt she should try something for that voice of hers, and recommended machine oil, and Central rang in and told them they'd all have their 'phones taken out if they didn't stop quarreling; and John Thomas, in the hay-mow, slept on, as peacefully as an innocent babe! In the committee rooms, Jack's disappearance was excitedly discussed.

"Exchange," he said, giving his number, "can you tell me who was speaking just now?" "Box three, G. P. O. public 'phones," said the girl wearily. "Oh, hell!" said Bryce in disgust, and hung up the receiver. The rest of the week passed without incident of any sort, and, despite the warning he had received. Bryce went on calmly with his preparations.

Batteries you know about without my telling you; and the head 'phones too, which you have of course seen telephone operators wear hundreds of times." "Yes, I believe I should recognize one of those," laughed Mr. Crowninshield. "So that is all there is to it, eh?" "That is about all there is to receiving, yes." "The sending part of the machine is more complicated, is it?" "Yes, sir.

Apparently Dick Earle and the staff had the control circuits warmed and ready. Lipton's voice came through the phones. "Visual take-off, Rick. The radar will pick you up at five hundred feet. I may overcontrol a little until I'm used to the equipment, but don't let it bother you. Do not take control yourself unless I give the word. There is one exception.

Where radio frequency or audio frequency amplifiers are used to couple your amplifier tubes in cascade you must take particular pains to shield them from one another in order to prevent the feed back of the currents through them, which makes the head phones or loud speaker howl.

And as I too, sank down, clutching in my arms the unconscious form of my warrior wife, I began to hear, through my helmet phones, the exultant report of headquarters. Our attack had swept straight through the enemy's sector, completely annihilating everything except a few hundred of his troops on either flank. And these, in panic and terror, had scattered wildly in flight.

If anybody 'phones you, just say I'm a good boy." Mr. Close almost smiled again. "So far as the moral risk is concerned I shall have no hesitation in speaking most highly of you," he granted. "And don't laugh when you say it," Johnny admonished, smiling cheerfully, for he knew that Close always did better than he promised. "Tell them this, can't you? I've banked with you for five years.

He's nervous. He hops a taxi at his hotel and comes here can't stick to his room any longer. Wants a little human companionship. This crowd here and I have Miles' word for it ain't any too glad to see him, and shows it. He phones for a taxi to go back to his hotel about 9:15, that was, Miles says but decides to walk down the hill to meet it.

The same thing was done to a number of the public telephones in that vicinity, each one being fitted up so that the picture of whoever talked would be transmitted over the wire when Tom turned the switch. To help the plan further the telephone manager marked a number of other 'phones, "Out of Order," for the time being.