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Robespierre, a narrow, prudish, jealous, puritanical but able lawyer from Arras, with journalists like Desmoulins and Loustallot, inveighed against what they described as iniquitous class legislation that would have excluded from the councils of the French nation Jean Jacques Rousseau and even that pauvre sans culotte Jesus Christ.

From a cupboard in the wall she produced a pillow, from another cupboard a blanket; in a trice she had one under Mrs. Ashe's head and the other wrapped round her feet. "Pauvre madame," she said, "si pale! si souffrante! Il faut avoir quelque chose a boire et a manger tout de suite." She trotted across the room and into the restaurant which opened out of it, while Mrs.

"It is a fine horse of yours, Monsieur," said the old Frenchman; "but I cannot believe pardon me for saying so that your slight English steeds are so well adapted to the purposes of war as our strong chargers, such as mine for example." "It is very possible, Monsieur," said I. "Has the horse you now ride done service in the field as well as on the road?" "Ah! le pauvre petit mignon, no!"

Somehow Soeur Lucie was touched with a sudden feeling of unwonted tenderness for her little charge. "Pauvre petite," she murmured, gently raising one hand that hung over the side of the bed, and smoothing back a stray lock of hair. Madelon opened her eyes for a moment; "Monsieur Horace," she said, "I have not forgotten, I I will " and then she turned away and fell sound asleep again.

Kosinksi detested them most cordially, though, spite of himself, he was a tremendous favourite in their ranks, and the unwilling victim of the most affectionate demonstrations on their part: and when, with a shrug of his shoulders and uncompromising gait, he turned his back on his admirers, they would turn round to me, exclaiming fondly "Comme il est drole, le pauvre diable!"

He is your very willing slave in spite of the trick you played him. He has a beautiful nature, le pauvre diable. He is not an Arab, eh, little Diane?" The mocking smile was back in his eyes as he turned her face up to his in the usual peremptory way. Then he held out the revolver he had been cleaning with sudden seriousness. "I want you to carry this always now when you ride.

"Because I have always loved your beautiful France, madame." "France ah! la pauvre France!"

Sometimes an informer would say to him: 'M So-and-so is cutting down your wood. 'Oh, bast! le pauvre. It is cold weather! was the reply that he would be most likely to make. His good qualities would have ruined him had not destiny with great discernment and charity nailed him to his little patrimony, where he was comparatively safe.

There are five of them: Nourry, a poor child of seventeen whose father and mother died insane, type of the gamin of Paris that revolutions make a hero and riots a murderer; Daix, blind of one eye, lame, and with only one arm, a bon pauvre of the Bicetre Hospital, who underwent the operation of trepanning three years ago, and who has a little daughter eight years old whom he adores; Lahr, nicknamed the Fireman, whose wife was confined the day after his condemnation, giving life at the moment she received death; Chopart, a bookseller's assistant, who has been mixed up in some rather discreditable pranks of youth; and finally Vappreaux junior, who pleaded an alibi and who, if the four others are to be believed, was not at the Barriere de Fontainebleau at all during the three days of June.

I have kept a secret before now!" and again the boy's cheek grew pale, and he looked hurriedly round. "And you are very fond of Madame Dalibard too; so you must not vex her." "Who says I'm fond of Madame Dalibard? A stepmother!" "Why, your father, of course, il est si bon, ce pauvre Dalibard; and all men like cheerful faces.