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Two or three stuffed olives carry out the effect of buds; serve on cut-glass dishes to give water effect. Cut up one-quarter pound of marshmallows into small squares, also contents of one-half can of pineapple. Let the marshmallows be mixed with the pineapples quite a while before salad is put together; add to this one-quarter pound of shelled pecans.

Lorelei nodded in perfect sympathy; she did not laugh. "I haven't any girl chum; let's be friends," said she. Adoree had been nibbling at marshmallows as she talked; as she wiped her eyes now she left a smear of powdered sugar on her cheek. "I'd love to I'm simply bursting to confide in somebody but we couldn't go around together." "Why? I don't care what people think."

"It's safe enough, as long as we follow the stream," Fanny had assured him, piloting the way over fallen logs and through dense thickets of pine and laurel, further and further away from the sounds of shrill laughter and the smoky smell of the camp fire, where the girls were still busy toasting marshmallows on long sticks for the youths who hovered in the rear.

For Mrs Oldcastle, I never saw her change countenance or even expression at anything I mean in church. On the afternoon of my second Sunday at Marshmallows, I was standing in the churchyard, casting a long shadow in the light of the declining sun. I was reading the inscription upon an old headstone, for I thought everybody was gone; when I heard a door open, and shut again before I could turn.

"My goodness!" exclaimed the fidgety Miss Keith, "why don't you look at them, Crawford? What are you waiting for?" Mary-'Gusta, the box of marshmallows in her hand, regarded the boy on the nail keg. His eyes met hers and in them was a look of such utter misery that the girl relented. Her feeling of satisfied resentment changed to one almost of pity.

The Sallie Growler you caught bit my dog on the nose!" exclaimed another boy and he began striking at the brown thing Laddie had caught, which was now fast to the nose of the dog that had been eating marshmallows the night before. Laddie dropped his fishing-pole. Russ let go of his crab-line, and they both stood looking at the dog and at the strange boy.

"That kind of thing is all right for Joe, of course. Joe's a natural-born 'fusser. He's never happier than when he's dolled up in a sport-shirt and a lavender scarf and toasting marshmallows. But " "Is that so?" inquired Joe with deep sarcasm. "If I was half the 'fusser' you are " "What I want," interrupted Perry, warming to his theme, "is adventure!

Jenny here produced and handed around a small, rather dangerous-looking paper-bag, which proved, upon investigation, to contain marshmallows. Miss Carstairs declined. Varney, to show how unimpeachable he considered his standing with the party, gratefully accepted. "I'm afraid," he said, looking at Miss Carstairs, "that Mr. Hare's admirers are likely to detain him some time.

Honey-Bee picked flowers along the ditches; she made a posy of marshmallows, white mullein, asters and chrysanthemums; the flowers faded in her little hands and it was pitiful to see them when Honey-Bee crossed the old stone bridge.

We'll toast marshmallows, too, as soon as we can get some at the store." "Why can't we get them to-day?" asked Polly who did not want to put off such a pleasure. "Because Mr. Hobbs never has any before the Fourth of July. He always gets in his good things then, but never a day sooner or later. I know him of old," said Dick.