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More than that, he was training his team with his own tricks, and had got back to school some of the old players, among whom were no less renowned personages than Hec Ross and Jimmie "Ben." Jimmie Ben, to wit, James son of Benjamin McEwen, was more famed for his prowess as a fighter than for his knowledge of the game of shinny, but every one who saw him play said he was "a terror."

I say, Miss Mouse, he went on, 'would you like to come out and see some of the animals? 'What? said Rosamond; 'do you mean Noah's Ark animals? Justin and Pat, though Pat was again in his corner with a book, both began to laugh, and Archie's indignation was now turned on them. 'You're ruder than Hec, he said, ''cos he's little and you're big.

'Thank you, replied his aunt. 'I should much rather have it in the schoolroom, and if Miss Ward isn't better, I can pour it out for you. 'She's sure to be better by tea-time, said Hec. 'She always is' without much satisfaction in his voice. But this did not alter Aunt Mattie's choice.

"That's right!" called out Hec Ross; "that's what we're here for." And his answer was echoed on every side, except by Jimmie Ben, who continued to bluster and offer fight. "O, shut your gab!" finally said Farquhar Bheg, impatiently. "If you want to fight, wait till after the game is done." "Here's your cap, Jimmie," piped a thin, little voice. "You'll take cold in your head."

'For I want you all to be very kind to Rosamond, and make up to her for her papa and mamma being away. 'Does she mind so much? said Hec, poking his curly head very close under the grey bonnet. 'I don't think I would not so very much. ''Cos you've got no feelings, said Archie, pulling him back, 'and you're as rude as rude too.

Louis, who had been quite sure of success, was disheartened; not so Hector. "Do not let us give it up; my maxim is perseverance; let us try again, and again aye! and a third and a fourth time. I say, never give it up, that is the way to succeed at last." "You have ten times my patience, Hec." "Yes! but you are more ingenious than I, and are excellent at starting an idea."

"Cake?" echoed the group, while the boy's face grew scarlet with guilt once more. "Yes, cake! We thought my tramp took it at first. Faith made it for the minister's reception and put it on the wash-bench under a dishpan to cool. 'Twas gone when she went to get it again. Hec stole it." "Hector, did you?" The boy nodded, too miserable to speak. "How much was that worth, Peace?"

"Yes, girl," said Calvin Blount, "you'll see it all clear, some day; and I hope it won't be long. Now, I said, go feed them puppies. And look at old Hec, there, wanting to talk to you." In the city, as well as in the country, spring came with a sensible charm.

And often they wondered, that Hector gravely pursued his onward way, and seldom lingered as they did to mark the bright colours of the flowers, or the bright sparkling of the forest rill. "What makes Hec so grave?" said Catharine to her companion, as they seated themselves upon a mossy trunk, to await his coming up, for they had giddily chased each other till they had far outrun him.

Dropping his club he came eagerly forward, but no sooner had he got well ready than Craven struck him fair in the face, and before he could fall, caught him with a straight, swift blow on the chin, and lifting him clear off his skates, landed him back on his head and shoulders on the ice, where he lay with his toes quivering. "Serve him right," said Hec Ross. There was no more of it.