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"Gentlemen, let him step outside." The others left the entrance to the cabin, As Evarts, his pistol now back in his pocket, stepped sullenly outside, Harry Hazelton dropped back into the doorway. "Glad to meet you, Mr. Evarts," grinned the police officer, deftly slipping handcuffs on the fellow's wrists. "This is treachery!" stormed the prisoner. "I didn't surrender to you.

"All I could get out of my father was that he was in a rush, but that he'd talk it over with me to-morrow and let me know what he had to say." Hazelton admitted that he was in the same plight, as to a delayed decision, but he did not speak as though he were very hopeful of being permitted to go. "It'll just be a shame if we can't all go," Dave declared seriously.

"We've a hard afternoon ahead of us, Harry," remarked Tom Reade, as the engineer chums finished the noonday meal in the public dining room of the Mansion House. "Pshaw! We'll have more real work to do after our material arrives," rejoined young Hazelton. "We're promised the material in four days. If we get it in a fortnight we will be lucky." "That might be true on some railroads," smiled Tom.

Your aff. nephew, Ralph. Rachel had read this aloud, but her voice ended in a sob instead of in the boy's name. Hazelton brushed the back of his hand across his eyes, and the lawyer looked intently out the window. For a moment there was a silence that could be felt, then Hazelton stepped to the table and fumbled noisily with the papers. "Ladies, I withdraw my offer," he announced.

Harry Hazelton awoke with a start, to find Tom with his finger on his lips. "Nicolas is asleep," whispered Reade. "Don't make any noise that will awaken him. I have no doubt that he would go through with us and be our guide. But that would put him in bad with Don Luis, and we have no right to expose the poor fellow to blame.

"Let's hurry up and get away from the hotel -a long way off," urged Hazelton. "Why?" asked Dave. "It was a fine place -for us." "Yes; but I want to yell, with all my might," Darry declared. "Seventy-eight dollars -think of it!" "Nothing to get excited about," Dick declared calmly. "When did we ever make so much money in life same time before?" blurted Hazelton.

"The fight came off to-night. Harry, I met the big black -caught him redhanded." "You did?" cried Hazelton, leaping up. "And you never called me?" "There wasn't any chance," Tom assured him. "The meeting and the fight didn't take place on this porch." Tom now had two very interested auditors.

Readers of our "HIGH SCHOOL SERIES" will well remember Dick Prescott, Greg Holmes, Tom Reade, Harry Hazelton, Dave Darrin and Dan Dalzell, a famous sextette of young High School athletes, who, in their High School days, were known as Dick & Co.

"If his sleeping in the chair doesn't annoy you, Don Luis, my friend will wake up, refreshed, in twenty minutes or so." "So be it, then. Let him sleep where he is. But you, Senor Tomaso, would you not like to step inside and lie down for a while?" "No, I thank you," Reade answered. "Unlike Hazelton, I feel very wide awake. When shall we go to the mine?"

"Tom can say lots of nicer things than that," spoke up Bessie Trenholm, half shyly. "Oh, can he?" demanded Harry Hazelton. "Please search your memory then, Bessie. Let's have a few specimens of what Tom can say under the influence of luminous eyes." Bessie blushed. When she tried to speak she stammered. "I -I guess I can't remember anything," she pleaded.