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"By Har!" she panted, "but I think he must know that he carries to-night the destinies of empire! Mount, mount, my lord, and bear me company if this son of Eblis tries to run away with me!" The sowar surrendered to Amber the reins of the other stallion, and stepped hastily aside.

Mebby she got it from them. A site of me will cure her sho'. Tell her I'se comin' to see her as soon as I hear from you that it is her, sho'. Thar might be some mistake, an' I doan' want to take the long journey for nothin', 'case I'm ole, tho' I feels mighty peart now wid de news. Rite me wen you git this. I shall wait till I har, an' then start to onc't. "Yours to command,

True it is that thou art changed sadly changed, my lord; and the years have not worn upon thee as they might I had thought to find thee an older man and, by thy grace, a wiser. But even as I am Salig Singh, thou art none other than my lord, Har Dyal Rutton." Salig Singh put his shoulders against the wall and, leaning so with arms folded, regarded Amber with a triumph not unmixed with contempt.

But wot I sez is, we'se all a bit o' devil in us, an' we can't be temp'rance ivry which way. An' zo, if not the glass, then the gel! Har ar ar! Good-day t' ye, an' thank ye kindly!" He went off then, and a few minutes later the train came gliding in.

"Are you sure?" inquired the Doctor, mollified in the presence of a fact that might prove to be of scientific interest. "I'd jest combed it when you come this mornin'. D'ye ever see anythin' like that? How am I goin' to git it down?" "Very singular," said the Doctor. "Yes, an' look here! D'ye see the har on the back o' my hand? That stands up jest the same. Why, Doctor, I feel like a hedgehog!

"You will have to see the municipal authorities about that, Mr. Poquelin." A bitter smile came upon the old man's face: "Pardon, Monsieur, you is not le Gouverneur?" "Yes." "Mais, yes. You har le Gouverneur yes. Veh-well. I come to you. I tell you, strit can't pass at me 'ouse." "But you will have to see" "I come to you. You is le Gouverneur. I know not the new laws. I ham a Fr-r-rench-a-man!

The questioner controlled himself. "M-hum," he responded, with a contraction of the eyes. Raoul waited an instant for some kindlier comment, and finding the hope vain, suddenly assumed a look of delighted admiration. "Hi, yi, yi! Doctah, 'ow you har lookingue fine." The true look of the doctor was that he had not much longer to live.

I claim to be Naraini, Queen, wife to Har Dyal Rutton, rightful ruler of Khandawar coward, traitor, renegade who stands there!" "For the love of Heaven, Rowan, shut her up!" cried Labertouche. "It's all a pack of lies; the woman's raving. Rutton's dead, in the first place; in the second, he's her father. She can't be his wife very well, whether he's alive or dead.

But Salig had to deliver up a Har Dyal Rutton to the Council, so Naraini was set to seduce you. Their plans only required that you should be madly infatuated with her for a couple of days; after that ..." Labertouche turned down his thumb significantly.

"Do not leave me, O'Hearn," said Maud, nearly gasping for breath, "do not leave me without an assurance there is no mistake." "Divil bur-r-n me if I 'd brought the box, or the message, or anything like it, phretty Miss Maud, had I t'ought it would have done this har- r-m."